The concept of the follow up autoresponder revolutionized Internet Marketing. Now, "Auto Message Setup" promises to bring the field an even greater degree of efficiency.
This recent innovation lets experienced marketers painlessly transfer marketing know-how to their entire downlines. A marketer can now provide each of his downline representatives with a follow up autoresponse system that is already packaged with the marketer's pre-written messages.
The result? Just a few minutes of work on the part of an experienced marketer, and each of his reps is set up with the same tried and true marketing messages.
Case Study: Marketer Matt and the New Breed For example, take a look at the case of a fictional network marketer named Matt M:
For years, Matt has been successfully marketing All Natural Pharmaceuticals using a follow up autoresponder. In fact, much of his success can be attributed to the set of seven messages e-mailed to all of his potential customers. Matt has carefully crafted those messages over the years, and they're really great.
Recently, Matt has been trying to pass what he's learned along to his downline representatives. He explains his marketing principles over the phone, and he knows that several of his reps pass his follow up messages around amongst themselves.
However, Matt finds that his pearls of wisdom rarely survive this 'telling and retelling' intact. He knows his reps aren't getting anywhere near what they could out of his knowledge. He wishes there were a way to harness today's technology, and put it to use for the greater good of his downline...
Enter Auto Message SetupUsing an Auto Message Setup system, Matt's downline reps can order their own follow up autoresponse accounts that are already packaged with Matt's pre-written messages. They can reap the fruits of Matt's experience with ease.
Each rep will customize Matt's messages for himself by logging in to his new follow up autoresponder account, and entering his own contact information.
Here is Matt's original autoresponse message:
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Matt M. 918 Awl St.
Natural, PA 22314
Notice that the message greeting uses a variable, (LEAD NAME). The variable ensures that each of Matt's leads will receive a message personalized with his or her own name. Notice, also, that Matt's name and address are at the end of the message.
Case Study: Downline Dan and the New BreedDan is one of Matt's downline representatives. He's ordered his own follow up autoresponder through Matt. Since Matt is using Auto Message Setup, Dan's account came pre-packaged with Matt's marketing messages. Dan personalized those messages to himself by answering a few questions in his Online Control Panel. Now Dan is sending his own personalized version of Matt's messages to his customers! All of the basic content is Matt's, but Dan's contact information is on the letters. Here is the autoresponse that Dan sends to his potential customers:
Thanks for stopping by the All Natural Pharmaceuticals web site today! We hope you come back soon!
Best Regards, Dan D. 5 Farm Way
Sootuh, TN 88457
Notice that the contact name and address at the end of the e-mail are Dan's, but that the greeting at the beginning of the message still includes the name of Dan's lead.
Mission Accomplished
With Matt's experience in hand, Dan is now marketing more successfully than ever before. And he isn't the only one - Matt's entire downline is now using his marketing messages! Matt's commissions are growing exponentially.
Matt and Dan's situation is not unique. Any network marketer with an established downline can take advantage of the opportunities available in an auto message setup system. There's no better way to put more auto in your autoresponder.
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Putting The "Service" Back In "Customer Service"By Sean Cohen The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?Today, finding customer support is as simple as writing an e-mail or picking up the phone. But, even though you're not face-to-face with your customers, you still leave a lasting impression. Do you come across as caring and competent, or menacing and mechanical?
Offering stand-out service on the Internet isn't as hard as it is rare. Take these simple steps towards old-style service in the digital age:
- Give Each Customer a Personal Response
Be Clear, But Sincere
Offer Live Customer Support
Make Sure Your Support Reps Have All the Answers
- When a customer sits down to e-mail your company, it's because he needs help. He chooses e-mail because it's quick, but his request still warrants a satisfying and personal response!
Companies eager to save time and money often take automation too far in their customer support. Each customer has a unique question, and deserves a unique answer. Even if you save time by copying and pasting stock replies, change the opening and closing to make the message sound less robotic.
- When responding to customers' e-mail, be sincere and to the point. Before sending a message, try turning the tables. Ask yourself, "Would this answer satisfy me if I were the customer?"
Take that extra moment to give your customer the help he deserves. It might mean the difference between a satisfied customer and a credit card chargeback!
- E-mail has become an acceptable form of communication. But, live customer support is still necessary. The plethora of information available online can be overwhelming to customers, especially those new to the Internet!
Single your company out from the crowd by providing customers with a real person to talk to. Live phone support is an invaluable way to foster trust. When your customer has reached the end of his Internet rope, and just needs help, your toll free number is the answer he's looking for.
- The presence of phone support will do no good if your staff doesn't know your product! Customer support reps should be warm and friendly, and willing to help with any aspect of your product.
What a good feeling it is to talk to someone who feels confident in his product. It's even better if he's knowledgeable enough to solve your problem without transferring you all around the company!
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