To sell a product well, it is very important to use powerful selling words to really convey each and every little benefit that your product has, to convince the customer. It is not uncommon to see words like “unbelievable” and “phenomenal” and something along those lines in really great salesletters. You must also learn how to give customers honest and ethical marketing, so-as to build trustworthiness into the future and in-turn be able to garner long-time sales and profits.

However, there are some marketers who intentionally use hyped-up descriptions to sell off their products. These marketers mislead customers into thinking that their products offer benefits that do not really exist in reality. At this point, it would be appropriate to quote a story that really happened:

One evening, a fellow marketer in my MSN Messenger list messaged me to check out his newest salesletter for his product, an ebook on earning revenue with contextual advertisement. I logged on to his website and was drawn right into his sales copy! The reason was the salesletter dived right into my desires and promised that “everything I have ever wanted” can be obtained just by purchasing the said ebook and executing whatever is inside “ type of Promise “. The salesletter also made it seem that the author owns fleets of Mercedez Benz cars, luxurious mansions and private yachts.

The problem was I know this particular marketer personally. He is actually a 17 year old high school graduate looking for a few quick bucks by selling a little ebook he compiled with information collected from various sources from the Internet. My emergency alarm immediately kicked in and I can just imagine how many naïve newbies can and unfortunetly will be fooled with the deceptive sales copy.

The sad but very real fact is that there are many scam artists online, waiting to rip you off from your hard-earned money with magical promises and the untold wealth and riches held with-in those so-called promises that turn out to be as useful as your pets poo on your steak n salad and as full of hot air as a methanol plant !, and is really just re-hashed already freely available information anyway.

Hence, remember that the usual advice for consumers still apply online : use your common sense. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. Always be honest and trustworthy to your own customers and only provide them with relevant informative quality content, and they then can have a “ safe haven “ where no matter whether or not something sounds to good to be true or not, they can always rely on your opinion without delay and make a sensible purchase there and then or not, depending on advice of course, saving them not only their own time in having to research it themselves, but they will be happy in the knowledge of knowing it was a well thought out decision .

Remember, when you intend to purchase something from the Internet, do a basic check-up on the merchant website. First and foremost, if you have even the slightest question on any of the features of the product mentioned, email the merchant regarding it and observe the attitude with which he/she replies and the time it takes to do so. Customer support reveals a lot about the integrity of a business. Always supply your own customers with integrity with your support and be honest and trustworthy and your customer list will grow exponentially.

Finally, if you can't even find support email on their website, click the “Back” button and run away from the site at once!