That's literally what Ryan's Google Ad rep said to him when he
inquired about his adwords cost per click going from $.05
to $10.00.
That's right! $10, Freaking $10 per click!!
Ryan shares the whole story here:
Google Landing Page Success
Has Google Ever Made you want to Punch Something?
Words do NOT describe mad Ryan had to be. To say that he spends
a lot with Google is an understatement. You would think a guy like
Ryan would get some kind of insider information right?
Ryan made a quick video for you walking you through not only the email
Kathy (his ad rep) sent him but more importantly what he did about it,
how it not only got him back down to $0.05 clicks but doubled his sales.
Ryan also show you how you can do the same thing.
Let me ask you this...
Would you be interested in Learning:
- 3 devastating quality score KILLERS that have a 5 minute fix
- Ryan's 4-step formula for creating landing pages that can escape the Google Slap.
- Increasing your sales with tweaks so simple you almost don't want them to work
If you are then you definitely want to check out Ryan's video and
leverage the thousands he spent on testing to figure this out:
Learn how to build Google Landing Page Success
If you're currently advertising through Google, have in the past
or plan to in the future it would a special kind of mistake to not
can too.
To slapping Google back,
P.S. Not only does Ryan tell you exactly what Google looks for in
a High Quality Landing Page but he is willing to even "GIVE" you the
the exact template that is working in his businesses across the
Yes, I said GIVE you the EXACT template he is using. You're probably
wondering if there's a catch and Yes there is...
However, once you see what that is I know you will see that it's way
more than worth much so that I'm willing to pay you just
to check it out:
Learn how to build Google Landing Page Success
To Your Success
Tony Markx
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