The Importance of Copywriting SEO in Internet Marketing

If you are already running an Internet marketing campaign or are about to embark on an Internet marketing campaign, one concept you cannot afford to skimp on is Your copywriting search engine optimization (SEO). Copywriting SEO is one of the most popular buzz words in Internet marketing but unfortunately most Internet marketers simply do not know enough about copywriting for SEO to make this strategy work for them. Even those who are knowledgeable about SEO may have difficulty executing their copywriting SEO strategies to produce the desired affect.

Advertising is a very important part of running any type of business, in fact the truth is that it's Your businesses lifeblood. You need to advertise to reach new customers and market your products or services or Your business can die very fast. Whether you run your business online or not you probably already realize just how vitally important it is to advertise but if you are running your business online you should understand there is a great deal of free advertising available in the form of optimal copywriting for getting extremely high search engine rankings.

Well known search engines such as Google rank websites according to complex algorithms which are designed to determine which websites are most relevant for particular search terms. Therefore taking the time and effort to optimize your copywriting for Your website for relevant search terms may result in you being rewarded with high search engine rankings for these terms.

This is important because most Internet users rely heavily on these rankings. It is not uncommon for Internet users to only review the first few results when they search for a particular term. This means if your website ranks high enough to appear on the first page of the search results you will enjoy massively increased website traffic. However, if your website doesn’t make it to the first page or even the second page, it is guaranteed you will not receive a great deal of website traffic from visitors who use search engines.

Now that you understand why search engine rankings are so hugely important you might wonder how to achieve these rankings. The easiest way to optimize your website copywriting SEO is to hire a copywriting SEO specialist to do the work for you (massive expense). The world of Copywriting SEO is a complex and continually evolving beast.

Which is making it difficult for most business owners who do not specialize in copywriting for SEO to keep up with the changes in the industry. Therefore, business owners who attempt to optimize their website copywriting by themselves may have difficulty keeping up with competitors who hire a copywriting SEO consultant to optimize their website.

However there is now a copywriting course that gives You an easy to understand, step-by-step complete framework that uncovers all the guarded secrets that only experts have been using on YOU, now You can explode Your copywriting profits without spending a dime on anything and dominate Your competitors starting now.

The algorithms used by search engines can be rather complex and include a number of different factors. Some of the common factors in the equation include keyword density, META tags, titles, inbound links, website traffic and content. All these factors are directly related to words which in essence is Your copywriting SEO.

Keyword density refers to the number of times a particular keyword is used in the content of your website. The theory behind this concept is that a website which uses a keyword often are very likely extremely relevant to that keyword, however, overuse of that keyword may well result in penalties to the website if the search engine deemed the keywords are not being used appropriately.

Which is why it's so vital to understand Your copywriting SEO so as to exploit the search engines to Your advantage in a fair and above board professional way, while also dominating Your competition.

META tags are pieces of HTML code which some search engines use in evaluating the content of a website. Placing keywords in these tags can be beneficial in some search engines. However, care should be taken to avoid placing irrelevant keywords in these tags as this may result in your website being penalized.

Inbound links are also used by some search engines to rank websites. Inbound links refer to links on other websites which point to your website. In evaluating the worth of these inbound links, some search engines consider the rank of the website providing the link to your website. This means you should ensure the website providing inbound links to your website are high ranking websites to receive the most benefit from these links.

Finally, the content on your website can do a great deal to bolster your search engine rankings. Most copywriting SEO firms retain a staff of writers who are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for relevant keywords. If you hire a SEO firm who does not providing copywriting services you could invest in hiring an expensive professional copywriter yourself.

Or You could save Yourself thousands and thousands of dollars by doing it all Yourself and do it even better than the experts by using the most extensive easy to understand copywriting course on the planet today. This will ensure the copywriting on your website is not only valuable to your visitors but also considered valuable to search engines.

Grab the best copywriting couse available now.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Did you know that Google has left their backdoor wide open for you?

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That's Jeff in the picture...

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hands (that's one hundred and five thousand dollars)... especially
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Check out Jeff's picture here:


Not bad for a guy that Google almost put out of business 7 years ago.

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Check it out:

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Drop What You Are Doing.
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To your success,

Tony Markx

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That's literally what Ryan's Google Ad rep said to him when he
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Ryan shares the whole story here:

Google Landing Page Success

Has Google Ever Made you want to Punch Something?

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To Your Success

Tony Markx

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To Your Success

Tony Markx

Social Media Manager

Used correctly social media marketing can give you a platform for brand awareness, exposure, networking, and a huge boost in traffic & sales. The problem is, most people don't know how to use the social media properties correctly...

Social media marketing gives you an edge over larger competitors. Studies show that most companies are not yet adopting social media, leaving a sweet gap for the "little guy" to do big business in that space.

Follow these 10 simple tips to create your own strategy for Social Media Marketing success:

1. Map Out Your Social Media Strategy

What is it you most hope to accomplish with your social media marketing plan? What response do you expect from your target market? Ideas to consider in your overall objective might include:

-Inbound Links/SEO
-Relationship/Trust Building
-Customer Relations (think @comcastcares on Twitter)

2. Connect With Your Target Market

Get an image of your ideal customer or website visitor clearly in your mind. Who are they? What are they searching for? What do they want and need the most? What do you feel they expect from you through social media communications?

Consider what they experience on their end in everything you do. They are the person that you want to attract into your funnel, so you want to make a great impression - and also include a strong, specific call-to-action.

3. Offer Consistent, Quality Content

The content that you post to social media properties should be both consistent as in regular updates, and also consistent with your overall message or objective.

If you are an MLM recruiter for example, provide quality resources for recruits. If you own an ecommerce gardening site, offer gardening tips. Whatever your message, you want to make it consistent across the web.

This helps you achieve your branding objectives, and allows you to create the perception that you want people to have of you or your company. Anyone who follows you online should easily be able to fill in the blank: (You/Your Company) is known for ___ .

Being consistent with your message and your branding also lends toward your goal of relevance and theming when it comes to SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.

4. Focus on Content, Not Marketing

Most people get this backwards. If you focus on valuable, high-quality content then that content will do the marketing for you.

You shouldn't have to digg or bookmark your own content, but rather focus on writing such great content that your readers give it an unsolicited digg or stumble for you.

Your job is to write, and provide easy access to social media services where your readers can share your content with their friends & groups.

When people like what you have to say, they will share it - period. And when they share it, the search engines will take notice. Write top quality content & updates, and let the rest happen naturally.

5. Caution! Do Not Over-Optimize

Social Media Marketing can help you achieve top search engine rankings for specific keyword phrases. But be careful... because there is such a thing as over-optimization.

Using the same anchor text everywhere that you link to (or request a link to) your site leaves a 'digital footprint', throwing up a red flag that you may be trying to manipulate the search results (or PageRank).

Avoid this by using natural variations in anchor text for the links that point back to your primary website. You need a certain number of "click here" or similar links to give balance to your optimization strategy.

6. Stop Linking To Your Home Page!

Social media is about micro-topical conversations, so consider how you can introduce internal offers or pages of your website into these conversations.

This will keep your groups and followers engaged in the topic at hand, and provide higher value to your readers.

These deep links, or links pointing to internal pages on your site or blog, help it gain authority in the search engines as well. All other things being equal between two identical websites, the one with more deep links will outrank the other. This also gives you more exposure in the search engine results, since your internal pages will begin ranking for specific relevant keyword phrases.

Tip: Your home page may not be the best link to share on your Profile while networking on social sites. Consider linking to your "about me" page instead for a more personable introduction to you and your site.

7. Provide a Valuable Resource

There's a reason its called Social Media, and not Self-Promotional Media. Keep that in mind when you consider your social media marketing plan.

If all you post is self-promotional links and requests, you will eventually become a part of the "noise" and ultimately be filtered out by your target market. They may not unfollow or delete you, but they will begin to scan over your posts and tweets without even realizing it.

Avoid this by becoming a valuable resource in your niche. Share links to domains that you don't own. And I don't mean your own Squidoo pages or Facebook profiles - I mean domains you have ZERO association with. Provide value to your groups by sharing relevant links and resources.

You mean, you want me to *gasp* promote my competitors?! Yes - and become friends with them too. Interlinking and networking is powerful!

8. Social Networking

To truly achieve your social media marketing objectives, you need to do some social networking as well. Forget the word "competitor". Other publishers or webmasters in your niche will be your best friends in the social media landscape!

Locate every competitor on your level (or within reasonable range) and create an "inner circle" of friends or business peers. These are people you can interview or be interviewed by, exchange links with, joint venture with, etc. Stop looking at them as competition, and start looking at how you can leverage each others' position in the marketplace!

Tip: Don't ask for favors. And don't flaunt the favors you do. Simply follow, comment on, link to, or otherwise become "known" to select publishers in your niche. They will notice... and generally begin to reciprocate. Given a little time the relationship will form naturally and be incredibly beneficial on both sides.

9. Build Rapport

Get involved in discussions, reply to blog comments, ask for feedback (and then respond to it and act on it!). People want to know that you're a real person, and not just "a company" - or worse: a bot spitting out links and sucking in cash.

Don't be afraid to have an opinion or to express your thoughts on hot topics within your niche. Your unique voice in the market will attract your ideal visitors and customers.

Social media gives you an opportunity to be personable. An ecommerce site has its limits when it comes to establishing trust and building long-term customer relationships, so use social media as an opportunity to make a real connection with your target market.

10. Link Freely - And Don't Apologize For It!

This is somewhat of a combination of tips #3 and #7. One thing that really makes me cringe is the 2 words "shameless plug" - promise me you wont ever use that phrase!

The people that follow you, subscribe to your updates, or 'friend you' on social media sites... want to hear your latest news and tips. If they don't, they'll quickly unfollow you - which is fine. This is not a numbers game or a vanity contest - it is a means of syndicating and socializing in a professional yet personable way.

There is a right and a wrong way to link to resources and content on social media sites. The wrong way is to say "read my blog post" or "visit my website". The right way is to share a cool link (whether its yours, or something of interest to your readers from another website) and to open a discussion on that topic.

Have a clear objective, be a valuable resource, and use social media properties in the way they were intended to be used. Anything else will get you filtered out, unfollowed, banned or blacklisted... and ultimately be a complete waste of your time.

Done right, following these 10 simple tips, social media marketing can currently grow your online business faster than any other means.
Follow along on Twitter for more great social media marketing tips: @LynnTerry Next, see Twitter Marketing for a detailed strategy for successful tweeting.

Article Source:

Social Media Management Services

Before you can put any of these rules to use, you may want to understand a little more about the differences between social media marketing and social media optimization.

SMM = Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is strategically using the big social sites to spread your brand name or drive traffic back to your web presence.

SMO = Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization is adding key elements to your websites or content that make them easy to spread across the big social sites.

Rohit Bhargava Developed Social Media Optimization Rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

1. Increase your linkability

Linkability is the willingness of other websites or articles to link back to your site. One way to increase your natural Google listing is to increase how many authority sites link to you, so to increase your linkability with social media optimization is to make your site more informative and useful to others. You can do this in many ways; blog, white papers, press releases, keyword targeted articles, RSS feeds, etc. This is the most important step in Social Media Optimization and should be your first priority.

2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy

The act of tagging is to bookmark the website to social bookmarking websites. For example, if you like the content or services provided at a website you tag it. This will show others that you approve of this site and they will check it out, making viral traffic. To include social media optimization tagging on your site, you can add tagging links such as Digg,, Technorati, etc. Also, add the tagging links to other pages in your site (not just the homepage) and when visitors click the tag button make sure that there is a suggestion box to help your visitor list a relevant tag and notes.

3. Reward inbound links

As I mentioned before one way to increase your natural listing with Google using social media optimization is to get more back links. You can do this by rewarding people/websites that link to you (inbound links). Inbound links are links that send people to your site from somewhere else. One way to reward people for linking to your site is to have a "Recently Linked" that lists all of the websites that have linked to you.

4. Help your content travel

Social media optimization focuses on providing useful content to your market. When you publish content such as an article, video, or audio file you must help it reach as many people on the web as possible. You can do this by submitting to relevant high traffic websites. When the word gets out about your great content (no matter what format) you'll receive backlinks to your site.

5. Encourage the mashup

To mash up is to use two websites content and mash them together. For example, Youtube makes it easy to mash their content (videos) onto your site. In addition, because it is so easy you have added a video to your site that has a Youtube logo on the video as well as a link back to you tube. So to encourage a mashup with social media optimization is to make it easy for other websites to use your content and reference it to drive traffic back to your site.

Jeremiah Owyang Developed Social Media Optimization Rules 6 and 7

6. Be a User Resource, even if it doesn't help you.

One thing all visitors appreciate is honesty. With social media optimization you should include links to other websites that will help your visitor reach their goal or find the information they want. Do this, even when it doesn't benefit you. By linking to competitors or information not created by you, you reap the benefits of having the all inclusive information on a particular topic. In the end, more people will link to you because you have lumped all information (or links) on a topic on one location.

7. Reward helpful and valuable users

Valuable users are your best friends. A valuable user can be determined in many ways; they may send traffic to your site, add valuable content to your site, or assist visitors at your site. No matter what their doing, if it benefits you, your site, or your service you need to reward them. This could be by sending a personal message thanking them for their dedication. Other ways to reward your valuable users is to create reward systems, advertise for them or promote their efforts on your homepage.

Cameron Olthuis Developed Social Media Optimization Rules 8, 9, 10, and 11

8. Participate

With Social Media Optimization you can participate by joining on the conversation about your topic (or targeted keyword). Simply posting articles and sharing content isn't going to keep the buzz going. You should continue to share information on other websites. This participation will share your knowledge with more people. One way to do this is to find people that are blogging on your topic and to give input on the conversation. Also, participate in forums or other social groups that are discussing your topic. Read comments on your articles, videos, and audios and respond to them.

9. Know how to target your audience

Social media marketing is about sharing content/information. Not everyone is interested in your topic, so be sure to do your marketing research and post your information and knowledge where it will be understood and appreciated.

10. Create content

Content is considered to be any form on information that benefits a visitor. Content can be a white paper, article, video, audio, widget, the list goes on. Your job is to find a piece of content that will spark interest in visitors. No matter what market you enter there is always a form of content that they will share with others. Find out what it is and give it to them. This will in turn have them coming back for more useful content. If this happens, then you know that your social media optimization is successful.

11. Be real

Internet users are searching the web for specific content. If you are providing content that links back to a website, be sure that the website is relevant. You will not be rewarded for coaxing a visitor to a site that has nothing to do with the content they just read (or watched depending on the type of content you provided).

Loren Baker developed Social Media Optimization Rules 12 and 13

12. Don't forget your roots, be humble

It's easy to let popularity get to your head. When you become the shining star in your market be sure to recognize those that helped you get to the front of the pack. (this ties into #7 a little)

13. Don't be afraid to try new things, stay fresh.

Any one on the internet knows how quickly things change. Keep up with new media content, new types of websites, and new interests in your market. By staying on top of new information you can maintain top rankings.

Lee Odden developed Social Media Optimization Rules 14, 15 and 16

14. Develop a Social Media Optimization strategy

Social Media serves multiple purposes. You need to identify what your purpose is and then publish content that will promote that purpose. Some purposes for Social Media Optimization include: branding, reputation, charity, increase traffic, build reputation, increase sales, credibility, etc. Make sure that as you develop content that you are publishing and creating with that purpose in mind.

15. Choose your SMO tactics wisely.

Of all the content available on the web only about 10% of people on the web are content creators. The other 90% are consumers and are willing to share your content. Make your content easy to consume and spread. Also be sure to create content that will have the most impact on your original purpose (which could be any of the following: branding, reputation, charity, increase traffic, build reputation, increase sales, credibility, etc).

16. Make Social Media Optimization - SMO part of your process and best practices.

We all know that there are specific Search engine optimization tactics that every website should include. Just as you include keywords in your title tags and keywords in your H1 tag, you should find ways to include social media optimization aspects into the building of your website. This can be small details like including social bookmark tags on your site or encouraging incoming links with the "recently Linked" list I covered in #3.

17. Don't be afraid to let go of a message or idea and let others own it.

Finally, when you create a movement, spark and idea, or develop a new topic don't be afraid to let others run with it. Collaboration is key. Others can improve upon your original idea and give you credit for the start. Be sure to give credit where it's due.
Justin Brooke started with just a $2/day marketing budget and grew his business past 6 figures in just 1 year. At just 25 years old he has been Vice President of a multi-million dollar company and nominated "Best Marketer of 2007" by the American Business Awards. Justin's award winning social media optimization company wants to handle your social media marketing needs.

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Although most businesses understand the need for measuring analytics, unfortunately, that is as far as some businesses take it. As Eric Peterson of Web Analytics Demystified...

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg at Nielsen Consumer 360

Is email dying ?

Link Building: A Lucrative SEO Job

With web development becoming more and more available to almost every internet user and with the increasing number of platforms allowing virtually anyone to create his or her own website, it is expected that the competition for online traffic become tougher and tighter by the hour. And with many businesses today basing their operations entirely on the internet, it should also come as no surprise if they do everything to make their page ranks higher to drive more visitors to their sites. This whole business of traffic-driving is called search engine optimization or SEO. The best thing about SEO is it creates so many online jobs that can be done from the comfort of one’s home.

One of these SEO jobs is link building. Basically, it is the creation of links in other websites that lead to the website being optimized. That may be quite a too simplistic definition but it explains in the simplest terms how link building is done.

Searching for link building freelance opportunities, I stumbled upon the following job post, which I found quite funny.

“I want as many as possible links to my site. I only need to be 'famous' for 10 days. After that, it doesn't matter if I'm blacklisted or whatever. I need to be No 1 on Google on the 15th of May. Absolutely, positively. If I am toast by the end of May, doesn't matter. So I want porn links, link farms, blog spam. Everything! I MUST be No. 1 on the 15th of May for at least 24 hours. Bid a low to win. If I am no. 1 on 15/05/10, I WILL pay $600 U.S. dollars as a bonus. Guaranteed. My regular employee rating is 9.985. I'm sorry, but I am undercover for this one as it is flying under the radar.”

This job ad was created on April 20 the same year. I found it funny because the buyer seems to be really desperate to rank number on Google’s search results in such a short time. And the poster even had a specific target date for it! Whose curiosity wouldn’t be piqued by that? What kind of site could it be?

Well, I never found out because I didn’t even think of applying for it. Obviously, the buyer was looking for a link building team. An individual couldn’t possibly deliver the results the buyer wants in a very short period of time. But even with a team of link builders, they would have to have a really, really good strategy to give the buyer’s website the highest possible page rank even for just a day.

Doing link building per se is quite easy. You just need to post links in forums, comment threads, online site directories, blogs, etc. But getting good results, i.e. a boost in page ranking, isn’t as easy. Therefore, the practice of link building should be done with quality in mind. When we say link quality, we are talking of how creative links are.

Link building freelancers should be able to make their forum and blog posts more engaging and more credible-sounding so other people won’t think of them as mere spammers promoting their websites.

Copywriting As An Online Job

With the advent of technology, copywriting already covers a wide range of media like television, radio, magazines, brochures, direct mail, and the like today. In fact, every word in every brochure, advert, website and leaflet you see is written by the copywriter. Before, copywriters are restricted to being in-house or by marketing or PR firms but now, there are so many freelance copywriters that offer their services and get so many projects by making copywriting as an online job.

Today, freelance copywriters are known to write different forms of copy and are expected to produce great outputs. But, despite being demanding work, being an online copywriter can be a lot of fun and one of the best ways make great money if you have the skill, the connection, and the drive to be successful. Aside from being an avenue to earn great income, online copywriting also offers you the ability to work from anywhere via Internet.

Getting started

Being a copywriter enables you to choose a specific or particular market sector or product and you are expected to write something or anything that your potential client wishes.

In order to become a good and successful copywriter, you should have a great ability to research about a certain topic while understanding your clients and target customers. Aside from having excellent research and understanding skills, you also have to have imagination and flair to keep you ideas running while keeping your clients happy.

If you are planning to become an online copywriter, you must be:

- well trained and educated. If you want to delve into the world of online copywriting, then it is a must that you get any type of writing degree in English, Journalism, Communications, and the like. Having an education or a background on the career you wish to pursue can be a strong step in finding work as a copywriter. If is it's impossible for you to have a degree, try to get certifications or non-degree courses that teach copywriting basics offered by many colleges. Having a background on copywriting can serve as your credential once you venture into freelance or online work.

- get pro bono work. If you don’t have any other experience, writing a copy or an item for free will provide you the experience you need. The copies you have written can also serve as sample copies once you market yourself as a freelance online copywriter.

- try to get an internship. An internship from an establishment known to the field you wish to pursue can definitely back up your credentials once your venture as an online copywriter. Aside from giving you experience and first-hand knowledge, an internship may also lead you to a permanent employment with the company.

Although an online job as a copywriter can be quite lucrative, it can also be very stressful. This is because just like all freelance online jobs, copywriting means that you have to sell or market yourself, your ability to meet a deadline or complete a job on time, and to budget resources by making use of your skills and knowledge.

Advantages Of Online Jobs

The advent of the internet has created innumerable opportunities for interaction among cultures. With its massive popularity, the internet has been used as a venue for quite a number of interests, as well as business ventures. These businesses and other online sources of income paved the way for various online jobs to surface in the market. With scores of jobseekers wishing to enter the work force, online jobs not only increase person-to-job ratio – it also provides an opportunity for people to expand their horizon. Here are some reasons where you might consider online jobs to be worthy alternatives:

1. Online jobs are generally cost-effective. Your only expense, basically, is your internet fee. Compared to desk jobs where people have to battle traffic and the stress of traveling, online jobs can be done practically everywhere, even in the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t hurt that you also get to save a great deal from your travel expenses as well.

2. They save lots of travel time. The 30 minutes you use to commute to work or the 10 minutes spent for walking to the office building can be used for other worthwhile activities, like conceptualizing on a project or troubleshooting.

3. There are greater opportunities for income online. The possibilities are promising. One need not be constrained to a single employer or source of income, which are typical of desk jobs. In online jobs, you get to explore several areas, where boundless opportunities await.

4. A bigger network lies in the World Wide Web. With online jobs, you can reach a wider range of audience. A global audience is characteristic of the “boundless” society of the internet. You will never know what and who your work will reach, and its effect on people with varying cultures.

5. Age is often just a number. This is especially true if you know how to go about the computer and the internet. Since jobs online require minimal physical exertion, age is typically not much of an issue. What is of much concern to the client is the quality of work you do.

6. Online jobs allow a flexibility of location. You can work anywhere you want, provided you have internet connection. You need not battle it out with other commuters in the subway, or fall in line at bus stops, and experience the other stressors normally experienced by people with desk jobs. Working online gives you more freedom to get comfortable with your work environment that you have chosen for you own.

With online jobs slowly gaining popularity, it’s not hard to believe the many benefits you can experience by working online. Its attraction lies mainly in being able to work from your preferred zone, and being instantly connected to a wider audience range. The increasing dependence of people on the internet makes it easier for jobs and businesses to penetrate the market. The advantages listed above are only guides to help you weigh your options, and be more informed with your choices.