With all the problems happening in the offline world, more and more people everyday are looking for ways to Learn How To Make Money Online. With the very fact that economic times are quite unstable currently, You need very few reasons to make You fully understand that the best place to be is in CONTROL of Your OWN Future, and not at the Mercy of a big corporation who does not value Your input & certainly does Not care about Your long-term Job Security.
There is NO Better Time than Now to start Your Very Own Business Online. Here is just a few Compelling reasons to get going NOW !!!
1. It's unbelievably Cheap & Fast to get set-up and making Profits in No Time at all ! You could never achieve this in the offline world of Business.
2. The ability to GROW Your Business at Your Pace.
3. You earn what You are worth & keep 100% of Your Profits !!! Not getting paid $5.00 hour slaving for someone else's Business !
4. 800 Million people & growing spending money online everyday buying products.
Now these are just 4 of many reasons why you simply Must Start Your Own Business Online.
I know You want to know the REAL JUICY BITS Though, So Go Here Now
Generate Big Profits From Simple Videos Now
Do not forget to Get Your Own Full-Blown Business Online Today
Niche Empires - How To Make Money Online, Even In A Recession
Niche Empires - How To Make Easy Money Online From Camtasia Videos
There is NO doubt today that using online video to make money works. With a very simple piece of software called Camtasia it's possible to generate profits from video and it's dead easy to do do !
With the sheer huge amount of people watching online video every second of the day it's almost impossible to not be able to make money easily.
By creating very simple to make videos using the Camtasia software and then uploading them to video sites like Youtube & Google Videos etc, You can make awesome profits very easily, in fact so easily that even NEWBIES can do this with NO sweat or problems at all.
There are so many ways to make money from videos online that 99% of people do not even know that the exist, leaving a very small amount of savvy marketers making oil tanker size profits from easy to implement free & low-cost methods that take no time at all to do.
All these unknown & hardly used easy methods work so well because as we all know online video is MASSIVE & HOT right now, Your videos will generate literally hundreds of thousands of visitors to Your website in little time creating a huge upsurge in sales and profits or affiliate commissions. There is NO need for PPC anymore if You have Your own videos, saving You large sums of cash alone.
Your videos have the ability to reach out and find additional customers that You or Your business has never had access to before. And remember all this comes from easy to make videos that take no time to do, and just think, what sort of a boost it would be to Your bottom line profits having access to all that untouched customer base, Yes the figures are staggering !
Now You might be asking Yourself, It all sounds to easy, surely there must be a right way & a wrong way to do this and be able to make such easy money ?? And the answer is YES You are correct, there is a right & wrong way to make easy money from videos. Using the right way will have a untold upward change in Your profits, while doing it the wrong way means you might as well not have started in the first place.
If You want to learn exactly how to make easy videos the RIGHT way using Camtasia & create profits from free & very low-cost to implement methods that take no time to do, then You need to check out this website for the INSIDE Drive on just how to do this for Yourself.
Make NO Mistake, there are a small few making filthy amounts of cash easily from just simply making Camtasia videos. You can do this too in No time at all and start making massive profits. By combining just a little time + Camtasia + the untold ways that a select few are using the RIGHT way to rake in thousands & thousands of dollars, You too can be sitting on a very FAT Wallet !!!
Camtasia Profits Here
Niche Empires - Keyword Research - Hindsight Might Be 20/20 But You Still Won’t Believe This
A sweetheart deal.
But it was data and, as they say, the data don’t lie.
A spike in traffic that large should be illegal. And even when it finally leveled out again, I was still looking at a 2X increase!
Hold up, that was the end of the story… let me start from the beginning.
One of my niche businesses was built on the back of PPC (primarily AdWords) and had been running for 4+ years.
I had continuously tweaked and expanded that keyword list and let me tell you, I optimized the H-E-L-L out of that guy for every last morsel of traffic and profit.
165 ad groups, tens of thousands of keywords, huge list of money-sucking negatives – “scientifically Iron clad”... or so I thought.
But then came along this little tool. It didn’t promise the world, but it did promise a total makeover of my keyword
“Why not?” I thought.
It was so simple to use, I didn’t actually think it could be that powerful.
... but it was. My list has never been the same.
Chalk another one up for “looks may be deceiving.”
Because in fact, the results were downright delicious…
The Results
- 109% more ad impressions (now well over 1,000,000 impressions per day)
- 42% more clicks on my ads
And that’s every single day! On a list 4 years in the making!
With 42% more clicks and your list growing that much faster, it’d be even easier to negotiate top affiliate fees and JV deals in your niche.
... AND of course you’d have a ton more customers buying your product every single day.
So, how did I do it?
I used UndergroundKeywords: The Best Keyword Research Tool Available
I had 165 ad groups (note: you should have more) at the time and for each ad group, I typed the keyword phrase
into UndergroundKeywords which then shot back a bunch of related terms.
Then I pressed control+C and control+V to paste the new words into that group. I did this 165 times and voila, had like
32,576 additional words bringing traffic to my site.
You can do the same thing too: with The Best Keyword research Tool
Until then,
To Your Success
Tony Markx
PS – Don’t miss the mini-lesson here. NEVER stop expanding your keyword list. Every time you add another keyword or ad group, you’re opening another door for traffic to pour through.
And with more traffic, you have more JV deals, a bigger list, and more income. Do you have a few minutes to open
another door to your site today: Then Go To The Best Keyword Research Tool On The Web Now !!!
Niche Empires - Keyword Research Tool - The Well-Known, Out In The Open “Secret” To PPC
Get as many keywords in as many keyword lists as humanly possible.
To immobilize your competitors into total submission and be the dominant player in your niche, you need to come out top in the Numbers Game.
The thing is—the online marketing scene is like the arms race in the Cold War.
In the 80’s, both USA and Russia spent billions to stockpile on nuclear weapons.
Each country were getting endless supplies of nukes and other weapons of mass destruction.
Why? In a situation of abundance—with all manner of deadly guns, bombs and missiles, possessing enough firepower to destroy the world 77 times over—the only way to come out top is to keep getting bigger and better toys.
Because if not, the poor soul with less technological help is going to be a sitting duck—overmatched and overpowered.
In the same manner, in a place like the Net where there is really is no limit to the amount of keywords and search terms, the only hope you have not just to survive but to also thrive is to be more merciless and relentless than all your competitors combined.
In other words, unless you somehow have the means to generate hundreds of thousands of keywords in hundreds of thousands of markets, you’re toast!
Screw what the so-called “gurus” tell you about limiting your keywords to the top 5.
“Focus on buyer’s keywords,” they yelp.
“You get more traffic from the high level keywords than the others anyway.”
If you listen to those clowns, You could be flushing 250% of your sales down the toilet.
Know why? The combined power of the long tail is more than those expensive keywords by as much as 5 times!
You are cutting your potential by a whopping 5 times just because of half-truths you have heard from the gurus.
But no more, because…
UndergroundKeywords is all about the quantity of keywords.
A Niagara Falls level of keywords.
Well, how do we do it?
The algorithms behind UndergroundKeywords are based on two concepts, Going Broad and Going Deep.
Going Broad with the HCE Algorithm…
Our unique HCE (Human Cognition Emulator) algorithm does the ‘Going Broad’ work, which simply means you get as many related keyword groups in a niche as possible.
Everybody has a unique way of searching for things with a unique frame of mind… HCE takes all that into consideration and churns out every single possible related niche, group and mindset that your customers can possibly type into the Search Engines.
Going Deep with the Deep Sea Diver Algorithm…
The genius Deep Sea Diver algorithm handles all things related to ‘Going Deep’. And once you find every conceivable keyword group, it will plunge as deep as it can get to extract every single keyword — both the obvious and the obscure ones — ever conceivable to the human mind.
With an ultra-smart exploitation of backdoors and loopholes you are able to ‘drill’ into nearly double the keyword gold mines than Your competitors have: Do You want to Check it Out ?? The Best Keyword Research Tool Is Here
According to Google, every day, 25% of the terms typed into their engine are unique. The long tail is huge – do you have a piece of it?
Grab Your Secret Keyword Research Tool Now
Or are you with the other 98% of your market fighting and clawing over the same few keywords?
To Your Success
Tony Markx
PS – Don’t get me wrong, the high-traffic keywords are important too, but they’re much more expensive and require way more work to defend.
The long tail has few competitors, lower bids, and a SUBSTANTIAL amount of traffic. What’s not to like about it?
UndergroundKeywords can help you get there : Go Get Your Secret Keyword research Tool Here Now !!!
Niche Empires - Key Word Research - How to Gain Mastery and Become World-Class at Anything
Using Keyword Research Smarter & Grow Bigger Keyword Lists 500% Faster
This is a key insight shared by Chet Holmes.
He was a very successful business executive, and one of his biggest accomplishments was working and running a company at Berkshire Hathaway.
Charlie Munger is the vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffet is the CEO – these guys are demigods in the business world.
Chet Holmes was said to be “America’s greatest sales and marketing executive” by Charlie Munger. He said that he had run 40 businesses and never seen anybody consistently achieve the kind of breakthrough results that Chet Holmes achieved time and time again.
The company he ran started at about 20M in revenue per year. After one year, he took it to 40M.
After another year, he took it to 80M. And by the third year, he took it to 160M. Those are impressive results. It’s more impressive that to grow from 20M to 40M, he didn’t grow his head count nor his resources. Basically zero –no additional funding, capital, nor people.
He didn’t share the specific stats for the following years’ growth so I can’t make them up (though I wish they were also zero because that’d be uber-compelling).
Chet said that he did only one thing to keep growing the company, year by year.
How to gain mastery
He said to pick one thing, and do it better than anything else, and do it better than anyone else. Pick that one item and own it completely.
His key message is to forget about being a scatterbrain and chasing 50 different ideas because that doesn’t work.
If you had to choose to do 4000 activities 12 times, or 12 activities 4000 times, which would you pick?
4000 activities 12 times might be fun, but it’s also dumb. Entrepreneurs often all into this trap.
Chet Holmes is a ‘turn-around expert’, and he chose the latter option: 12 activities 4000 times.
In every company he went into, he noticed that people were doing a gazillion things a few times, and were ending up mediocre at everything.
Chet would dive into the sales organization and completely turning it around by asking the question, “How are we going to become masters at sales?”
This is how he achieved breakthrough growth with no new sales people and no additional resources. He would just figure out how to make the company masters at sales and turn the company around.
Find out what the 12 things are, and become world class at doing those.
One of your main activities as an online marketer is getting traffic to your site – maximizing the number of eyeballs that see your offer.
All of us here at MindValley Labs are both rabid marketers and technological monsters. Everything we share has been tried, tested and tweaked heavily—both by real programmers and award-winning direct-response marketers.
It was this environment – impenetrable dedication to improvement and technological savviness – that bred UndergroundKeywords: Do You Want To See It ? Then Check Out The Best Keyword Research Tool Available Now !!!
It’s not the least bit complicated. We have torn down and removed any complexities that restrict you as an internet marketer. NO fillers. NO fluff. NO fat. And we don’t waste your time covering old ground. Just the best of the best.
UndergroundKeywords is a simple tool. It’s elegant and it’s fast. You don’t need to be a keywords genius…
You don’t need to be an experienced internet marketer… You don’t need to learn SEO...
UndergroundKeywords will take you to Mastery of the PPC traffic in your niche and take you there faster than your competitors.
By going wide and going deep into all possible search terms, you will open every possible door for visitors to come through to your site: Grab Your Keyword Research Tool Now !!!
I admit: it does not have many features. It does not have those fancy AdSense site-generating stuff, or spying on your competitors to steal their ads.
However, it does one thing and one thing really, really well. It builds a BIGGER list FASTER than anything out there: Grab the Best Keyword research Tool Available Now
To Your Success
Tony Markx
PS – What are the core areas you need to master to take your business to the next level? Take traffic generation off your list by going here: The Best Keyword research Tool is Here
Niche Empires - Why The Top Position Is Bad, The Secret To Building Profitable Keyword Lists
Advertisers often think their ads must be in the top position in order to make the most money.
That is a novice point of view.
The ad in the first position is more likely to receive compulsive clicks that don’t convert and at the same time, cost more.
In other words, advertisers in the #1 position that pay top dollars (the highest cost per click) to get to the top often overbid for lots of lousy traffic.
While it is not necessary to attain the #1 position, it is important for your ad to appear “above the fold,” that is, at the level where a user is not required to scroll down to find your ad.
You should aim for your ad to be in the top four results.
Being in the top 3 results is even better, as it gets increased exposure on Ask.com and AOL as well.
The second, third, and fourth positions only marginally differ in their ability to drive traffic, and will cost you less.
HOWEVER, I’m going to flip-flop now and tell you the one time you should NOT listen to what I just said… and that’s when you have only 1 or 2 competitors for a keyword. This is a good place to be.
If there are few advertisers, it is likely you’ve discovered a relatively obscure keyword, which is GOOD for two reasons.
First, it is often much cheaper to get that top position and second, the obscurity means
your traffic is likely very targeted.
And if the traffic is more pinpointed, you will have very few compulsive clicks – making the top position very valuable.
These keywords are hard to find because they are often longer and receive much less traffic, so most keyword research tools miss them.
When you combine the results of these obscure keywords though, you’ll find a LOT of well-targeted traffic ready to spend at your site.
UndergroundKeywords can automate this strategy for you – just type in the main phrase of your ad group and copy+paste the long-tail phrases into your PPC keyword list with the Best Keyword Research Keyword Tool
Be sure to give a once-over for negatives (you can make a negative list on-the-fly).
In 4 clicks you can be pillaging the long tail words of your niche, which is the main source of targeted traffic and interested prospects.
Enjoy the results You will get from this Secret Keyword Research Tool
To Your Success
Tony Markx
PS – For all those highly competitive and common keywords, the 2nd or 3rd positions often convert much better than the top position, saving you money and hassle.
Instead of relying on guesswork and questionable research, you can now know BEFORE entering a niche what the cost per click is by using UndergroundKeywords , Check out The Secret keyword Tool that will grow Your Keyword Lists faster By 500%
Niche Empires - How To Pick Your Next Niche, Build Your Keyword Lists 500% Faster
When you’re looking for the next niche to dominate, what are the characteristics you look for?
I would not be surprised if that question was hard for you – it’s hard for most people.
They’re either caught up in their own niche (“not ready yet”) or unsure how to take over the next one.
Both of those are bad reasons. If you let yourself believe it, you’ll never “be ready” to expand… and there’s no reason to not know “how” to expand.
So let me take a bit off your plate and tell you what I looked for the last time I expanded into a niche.
I was sitting on my couch cruising the Net, the usual tools in my holster, and here’s what I checked out for the different niches I was interested in:
* Discretionary income – does your market have money to spend? It sure is easier if they do. This might seem like a dumb item, but most people don’t actually ask this question.
* Ease of Communication – how easily can you target your prospects? Are there forums where they hang out? What are the common search terms for this market? What other “water coolers” does this community hang out around?
* Customer Avatar (this is huge) – How well do you know the main customer identity of your market? Can you identify with them, speak or learn their language, and understand their pain and desires? Sky diving looks cool, but I have no idea what their Language is and don’t even know why someone would want to sky dive… this would make it infinitely harder for me to sell them effectively.
* Market Vitality – how much “new blood” does your market get each year? How many new prospects can you realistically get into your pipeline every day? This could be an important consideration, especially if you’re going after “beginner” level prospects.
* Size of the market – how big is the market? Bigger is not always better, but it’s important to know how much you can expect to make given your estimated success level.
* Buying Tendencies – Is your market ready to buy? What is the venue through which they buy? Some markets are still filled with prospects uncomfortable purchasing online. Some international markets can’t use PayPal yet.
Getting a clear idea of these 6 traits will help paint you a very clear picture of your niche and how your business might fit into it. It is important to make sure these characteristics line up with your expectations for the business, too.
Lastly, you’ll notice that UndergroundKeywords helps with several of these traits. Using the traffic and cost estimator, you can get a pretty clear idea of the PPC market – which is usually representative of the market as a whole.
Plus, you can quickly get the popular search terms and even run some ads to better test the potential. I’m always looking for new niches, so it was natural to include these features in UndergroundKeywords.
I wanted to remind you that we have a Special Guarantee if the yearly subscription isn’t right for you. It’s
basically a nice lunch… but find 1 good niche or a few untapped keywords and your return is fancy dinners: Smart Keyword Tool
My 30-day guarantee is included for either subscription period, so you can use the tool with absolutely no doubt in your mind.
The details of how we developed it and exactly how it works is here:
Check Out The Best Keyword Finder Tool Now
To Your Success
Tony Markx
PS – Don’t go into niches willy-nilly. I find it most successful when I look for market traits that support my ideal business & lifestyle. I think you would probably find success using that method, too.
UndergroundKeywords helps you do that:
Grab Your Keywords Finder Now !!!