New Tool Reveals Profitable AdSense Niches In Seconds

Review of: Top Keyword Data

Reviewed by: Tony Markx

AdSense businesses have taken off like wildfire in recent years. Because it allows you to get cash flowing in without top marketing or copywriting skills.

You just get people to click on the ads and you get paid. It’s not rocket science.

However, before you can get people to your sites in the first place and get paid a fair amount per click, you’ve got to pick a profitable niche.

If you pick the wrong one, then all of your efforts may not make you anything.

Top Keyword Data is a tool that promises to help you find high-profit, low-competition niches in as little as seconds.

It works by storing over 130,000 keywords and allowing you to sort the keywords by such data as how much they pay-per-click and the amount of competition they have.

So, with a few clicks of a button, you can find the most profitable keywords to optimize your pages for.

Additionally, you can type in a keyword to find all of the keywords in a niche. This allows you to quickly analyze a niche idea for its likelihood of success.

This means using Top Keyword Data is simple and easy to use (and saves you a ton of time). But, more importantly, increases your ratio of successful sites.

Now, you can rest more assured that your efforts to create a new site are going to pay off. This alone could double, triple, or even quadruple your AdSense income.

For this reason, Top Keyword Data gets my highest recommendation. It’s simple to use and pays off many times over in the years to come.

To grab your copy, visit:

Secret Reveals Profitable AdSense Niches In Seconds - Get The Top Keyword Data Now

New Click-Button Solution To Getting Listed In Major Affiliate Directories!

Review of: Instant Affiliate Submitter

Reviewed by: Tony Markx

Affiliate programs are one of the most effective ways to recruit active
affiliates. They’re free to get listed in and packed with traffic because
they get top positions in the search engines.

Moreover, the reason they’re so important to get listed in is that when
affiliates go to directories, they’re usually looking for a program to begin
promoting right away. This means the affiliates you get from directories
are likely to quickly generate sales for you.

This is opposed to most affiliates you get that produce little or nothing.

The problem with affiliate directories is that submitting your listings to
them takes forever. You have to literally copy and paste hundreds of lines
of information when you submit to only a dozen of them.

And this is where Instant Affiliate Submitter comes in to save the day.

Instant Affiliate Submitter is a click-button submission tool that quickly
lists your affiliate programs in all of the major directories with ease!

It has two submission settings, automatic and semi-automatic. The
automatic submission allows you to simply fill-in your information and
click a button to get listed in a set of top directories.

The semi-automatic mode fills in your information into the forms (no
more copying and pasting) and you just click the submission buttons.

So, how well does Instant Affiliate Submitter work?

Well, I put it to the test and was immediately thrilled with results.

With the automatic mode, I just clicked start and was done in less than 10
minutes! Work that would have taken hours to do manually was
completed in a tiny fraction of the time.

Then, I moved onto the directories in the semi-automatic mode and
submitted to dozens of directories in less than 30 minutes! Best of all, the
only thing I had to do was click a few buttons.

Simply put, if you have an affiliate program or are always developing new
products, then Instant Affiliate Submitter is a life-saver.

It transforms a tedious and time-consuming effort into a point and click
job you can accomplish at lightning fast speed.

Other useful features included the ability to schedule future submissions
and the ability to mass select a general category where you want your
listings to appear.

These features are huge time-savers when you have more than one
program you want to submit.

And this relates to what I like best about Instant Affiliate Submitter.
Instead, of having to spend your valuable time doing a job that’s long,
boring, and tedious, you can put it where it’s need most… doing what you
love most!

Go-ahead and pick-up your copy at:

Instant Affiliate Submitter Now

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Matt & Kevin with Nitro Marketing want to give
you a special offer for one free gift to help
you grow your business profits with the economy
the way it is- (We do not want you to miss out.)
You only have to pay for shipping.

They are extending the free gift offer for you
and someone you know who is in need of planning
or starting a business for 2009.

There are three gifts from us to choose from...
and you only pay for shipping.

Here they are...

Gift #1: Hypnotic Websites

Here you'll learn how to create hypnotic websites
that will help you make the most amount of money
possible. It even gives a "before and after"
that shows exactly how to transform a 'so-so'
website into a truly hypnotic website.

The case study you'll see in Chapter 31 is my
all-time favorite, and a perfect example of a
company that is successfully using all 3 elements
of hypnotic marketing to their advantage.

Ok on to the next one...

Gift #2: Hypnotic Emails

This ebook is overflowing with valuable examples
that you can model- plus tons of valuable
information. For example - "5 ways to make sure
your email always gets read." The swipe file of
emails in this section are great, and worth at
least 10 times the normal price of the eBook alone.

But no worries

- you can have it as a free gift today. :-)

And last but not least...

Gift #3: Hypnotic Publicity

All the business greats have used publicity, from
Houdini to Evel Knievel to Sir Richard Branson to
Donald Trump to, well, even yours truly. The point
is, you don't have to be a big-shot celebrity to
use publicity. In fact many small-shots became
big-shot celebrities by using publicity alone!

(This is one of most inexpensive ways to market
yourself and your business.In most cases - it is

And you may be the next big-shot celebrity if you
use publicity correctly!

Even if you don't want fame, fortune and immortality
like many, you can still use publicity to get more
traffic for your business, whether online or offline.
And the best news of all is that publicity is
usually FREE.

It's not like advertising where you have to pay an
arm and a leg to run an ad. Publicity can cost as
little as nothing.

Obviously, this marketing tool is worth deploying.

But how do you use publicity? How does it work?
How can you make it work for you? How can you get
it for nothing? Those questions and much more is what
you'll be learning in this information-packed,
head-pounding, and idea-generating issue of Hypnotic

So here's how you claim your free gift right now...

Just go to...

Here and Learn How To Grow Your Business and Profits

You may be wondering why we're giving such valuable


This economy has many people concerned (perhaps you)
about having enough money. You may be worried about
finding employment or maybe losing your job.

You may be finding your business struggling during this up and
down economy.You may be sick of not having enough money
to comfortably cover your gas and housing costs.

You may want to learn how to start your own highly
profitable online business from scratch.


You may be doing great. However, we want to help you
do better than ever.


Do you want to take control of your financial future
once and for all? They want to offer you the choice
between one of the three gifts we discussed.

You can be one of the first people to receive, Hypnotic
Email, Hypnotic Publicity, or Hypnotic Websites --
as a special gift from them today.

You can claim your gift in less than a few minutes.

You'll also be able to get an additional special bonus
that will have you jumping for joy this holiday season.

Please accept the gift by clicking here:

and Learn How To Grow Your Business and Profits

Enjoy the free gift and have a prosperous and happy
holiday season.

Best Regards,

Tony Markx

P.S. Feel free to tell your family and
friends and they will be glad to extend the free gift
to them also.

They want to help as many people as possible to better
their financial position now and in 2009.

Just forward them here --

Here and Learn How To Grow Your Business and Profits

P.P.S. Now you can get a free gift (Hypnotic Email,
Hypnotic Publicity, or Hypnotic Websites) to help you
start a new business online or grow an existing one.
There is no reason not to take advantage of this
free gift.

There are no strings attached and no obligations.

It's just their way of helping you plan and be
prosperous in the upcoming 2009 New Year.

Here and Learn How To Grow Your Business and Profits

Will you act during the economic downturn, or simply REACT?

Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting
plans for 2009. This is a BIG mistake...!

Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term

When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking
clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING!

So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight.

I want you to do more than just survive 2009.

Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion in
the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the

Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their
computers for everything from bargain hunting and product
research to upgrading skills.

Studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...!

I don't want the Big "R" to stop you from pursuing exciting
personal, financial, and business goals in 2009, so I've
arranged to get you exclusive VIP access to an important
video that Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl just put up
on his site.

Derek's been successfully selling on the Internet for over
a decade now, and he's brought in over $100 MILLION in sales...

... so he's by far the BEST person to advise you about how
to thrive in ANY market.

When you watch his FREE Goal Setting Video, you'll discover
how you can make 2009 your richest year yet:

Click Here US Recession. How To Beat The Financial and Economic Downturn and Become a Recession Winner

Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!

To Your Success

Tony Markx

P.S. Derek's also going to be hosting a FREE Webinar in the
first week of January to help everyone kick-off their New
Year's goals with a bang.

You can register for it here:
Click Here US Recession. How To Beat The Financial and Economic Downturn and Become a Recession Winner

Yes that's possible...

I just discovered a fresh site created
by John Delavera where he offers 1010
blog posts (created for one his sites)
for only $17.00

For only $0.01 per article I thought
you'd better check it asap:

Click Here and Get The Cheapest PLR on the Planet Now

Guess what... You can also get that package
for free if you refer that page to your
friends! Visit the page for more info:

Click Here and Get The Cheapest PLR on the Planet Now

Enjoy your weekend!

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Get My 2Hr Video E-course for $1 dollar until Christmas.

Click the Buy button on the Page after

Clicking The Link Below and use the Coupon code : ONETILLCHRISTMAS

Just simply place Your details and code, then REFRESH Page to see the Discount
& continue to download Your Course.

Merry Christmas From Tony Markx

How To Beat The United States Recession is easy if You know HOW.

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If you are an entrepreneur, marketing is something that is
in your blood; at least it should be there if you plan to have
customers at all that will in-turn make Your Business a success.

Yet, do you market your business for true success and long
term benefits? Do You design Your marketing strategy so that
work only done once reaps residual profits for years to come ?

If you think that you do, you may not truly understand the
power and true potential of the right marketing tools.

What is marketing?

Marketing is what draws a customer to your business.
You need to let others out there know that
you are there and ready and willing to provide a service to
them.Without marketing You are one Your own.

That basic definition is not nearly enough to pull you
through the entire process of marketing for your business
success, though.
If you want long term success, take marketing much more
seriously and follow these tips for various aspects of

Determine Your Products Potential

Before you can be successful at marketing your business,
you must take a good amount of time to determine what Your product
is about, and that others do want it all ?.

In other words, what is it that your product provides?

A successful business will offer some type of immediate
satisfaction for a need that someone has. You should
consider this even before you get into business. What is it
that your product has the potential of solving or filling the
need of?

In addition to this, you need to determine how it can offer
these things to your customer in such a way as to better
their life. Perhaps you can offer them something that
solves a problem that they have but it still is something
that is affordable to remedy that solution.

Having a clearly defined benefit to market is quite essential
to getting the most from your product. People want to
know, “What will it do for me?” and “Why should I purchase
this over something else?”

When you can find out how this plays a role in your
product’s abilities, you can see the right course of
marketing that product. Answering those questions is what
you must do to find defined success here.

Pricing Matters Too

The next objective to take into consideration is that of
pricing. When it comes to marketing, you may not think of
the price that you put onto your product, but this does
matter too and can have a huge impact on sales, good or bad.

People are driven by sales and deals. They like
a product that can provide them with the ability to solve
their need but to do so in a cost effective manner.
Without the right pricing, it makes no difference how you
market the product in the end.

What are people looking for when it comes to pricing of a
product or service? They want something that is fair, not
something that will cause them to go broke. In addition,
most people understand full well that there is a need for the
business to turn a profit. The problem comes when they
are being taken advantage of, NEVER Do This To any Customer, good or bad.

In addition, competition matters here too. If your product
is better than another, perhaps it should be more, but it
shouldn’t be outrageous because, if it is, no one will bother
with it.

Take into consideration its ability to be called a
Unique Selling Proposition. This means that it will have similar but
at least some unique features that will allow it to be priced
in competition to other products while being viewed as still valuable.

Of course, as we mentioned, your product must fill the need
of someone out there. But, if there are five different
products doing that, it can be hard for you to find your
niche. Again always look for ways to differenciate Your business from
the competition and somehow make it a better proposition to the competitions

Therefore, you must create for yourself a unique
quality that will propel your marketing and your pricing.
What makes your product better, in other words?

If you are a new business owner, for example, and are
looking for a new product to invest in, you may not want to
try to come up with your own product, own service or other
component. Rather, you may just decide that taking
something that is already on the market and finding a way
to make it even better, or better priced, is the right way to

Marketing Effectively

We have talked about ways that you can market your business
successfully. Now, take into consideration your sales benefits.
Can you say that when each and every one of your
employees (or just yourself) walks in the door their goal is
to satisfy a customer?

Not just to serve a customer but to satisfy them as well. If
you can not say that, then perhaps your marketing in sales
terms is not working as effectively as it should.

Here’s what I mean. If you plan to set out and make a
profit, then your goal is to just make the most of the
business you get.
But, what if you set out to please every customer? Then,
you would not only be getting that sale, but you are also
getting to keep that customer coming back time and time
again, always be concentrating on building trust, it's a big
world out thetre so why would a potential customer come to You
instead of someone else ?. TRUST......... Never stop giving your
potential and current valued customers a reason to stop Trusting You
and Your Business.

Since we are talking about long term goals and success, it
makes sense to insure that your goal in sales is to be the
very best at what you do in order to please your customer continuously
so much so that he/she does not even consider going elsewhere
for their individual needs.

In your business, you need to keep your marketing and
sales techniques focused on creating as well as keeping
your customer.

Sales For Success

Taking this one step further, you also need to take into
consideration your sales abilities. As a successful
entrepreneur, you need to carefully consider how you are
selling, how effective it is as well as how you can improve it
in the short and long term.

If you can not sell, you can not be successful in your
business. Point blank, you are done.Of course there is
always the option to employ someone who does know how to
sell to do the job instead.

First, as the business owner, you must be able to sell
yourself. Are you the business person that is:

· Approachable

· Likeable

· Friendly

· Educated

· Dedicated?

Or are you the guy they all run away from when You walk
into their door? Selling yourself as a trusted resource for
information and product is the best way to become the go
to guy.

In addition to this, you also need to effectively sell your
product to your customer. This too goes along with
marketing your business for success.

In short, if you can not sell your business successfully, then
you have no business in business. Learn how to be excited
with your own product. Then, learn how to successfully sell
it to those around you.

You need to do this first before you encourage or train
someone else to do it for you. Being eager, excited,
positive and surely invigorating is the way to go in this

If you do not feel comfortable talking about your
product or business to your closest friends, how in the
world can you sell it to a complete stranger?

Here’s the bottom line of marketing and sales. If you can
not be successful at getting your product out there and
getting others to see it the way that you do, then you can
not possibly find success with it.

Sales expertise is essential to sales happening. Having
sales; means having customers that will come back to you.
That equals long term success for you, as a business owner.

In the end there are many things to include and think about
when You want to be an entrepreneur, marketing Your business
is essential for any type of success.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Go Here Now and watch how to rank in the number 1 position on MSN

Like I said .

Focus on something that you can actually WIN with, and win big!

Get Your Own Video Business Now

... so make sure you check it out right away!

Learn Internet Marketing Secrets Now

Get Your Own

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NO Presence Online = NO Money, SO

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Another Video Towards The Camtasia Profit Secrets Stream

Posted by Tony Markx | 11/29/2008 09:51:00 PM

Here is another one. www.ScreenCamProfits.Com!

Just finished Playing with a New Quick Video Software

Buy Keyword Domain Names ?......... Is this something You think about or even include in Your New Websites or Businesses Marketing Plan ? You would be very surprised just how many budding entrepreneurs and even some seasoned one's who are NOT using this VITAL and important tool that can have insane and explosive results when it comes to getting organic search engine results, NOT just once every now and then, but consistently time after time.

Now that is MONEY in the Bank..........

With the sheer cost of PPC being out of the reach of the everyday common marketer or businessman, You would NOT be blamed for thinking that " why would I even try and compete if I can NOT afford it. " But there is a way to actually get unreal amounts of FREE Traffic from the search engines by giving them exactly what they want...........

By understanding that You must Buy Keyword Domains that are exactly within Your given Niche or Business You all of a sudden become aware of the fact that You NO longer need PPC with extreme costs to be able to compete for top positions in the search engines, and just how POWERFUL using keywords are, in fact the price of a smart domain and FREE traffic received from it far out-weighs the return compared to exorbitant Pay Per Click Prices.

In every Business or Marketers arsenal there simply MUST be a PLAN, and in today's ever increasingly harder and faster changing online environment, that has to be said is growing much larger by the minute, You need every Heavy-Hitting Weapon You can have to be able to cut through all the growing Marketing NOISE and Population that's trying to get their own message across as well.............

And the NUMBER 1 SMART place to start and be ahead and above all that NOISE is to Buy Keyword Domains that are exactly matched to Your Business or Niche. Nothing could be smarter than giving the search engines the real keyword juice that they desire, and the return to You is great top positions for FREE, massive Traffic for FREE and MORE MONEY in Your Pocket from NO PPC costs......................

GEE how much more GOOD news do You want...............

Go here now and see how to be smart and Buy Keyword Domains and watch Your Traffic, Sales and Profits SOAR.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Go Here Now and watch how to rank in the number 1 position on MSN

Like I said .

Focus on something that you can actually WIN with, and win big!

Get Your Own Video Business Now

... so make sure you check it out right away!

Learn Internet Marketing Secrets Now

Get Your Own

Private Label Rights Business

NO Presence Online = NO Money, SO

Do not forget to Get Your Own Full-Blown Business Online Today

Buy Businesses That Are ALREADY Making PROFITS

Instant Business Online

Internet Business Broker
Website Properties is a complete Brokerage Service for Internet Businesses. Request A Free Consultation Today - Get All The Secrets and Your Own Video Business Online Today - LIMITED SALES

What would it be like to be able to read your
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What if you knew exactly what products or
services people would buy?

And what if you could make this happen in a
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I've got some exciting news for you, because what
I am about to show you is better than a crystal

Click Here Now and Find Out Exactly what Your Customers are Thinking

I've just discovered Instant Form Pro, a brand
new software tool from world-renowned Internet
business expert, Joel Comm.

Joel knows online marketing, and once again he
has released a tool that absolutely EVERY online
marketer is going nuts over!

Instant Form Pro is easy-to-use software that
helps you discover what your customers REALLY

You've seen other survey and form software, but
you've never seen anything like this before!

Imagine being able to create simple
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That, and much more, is why serious Internet
marketers are downloading their copy of Instant
Form Pro right now.

Instant Form Pro was created with marketers in
mind. That's why one of my favorite features is
the ability to customize your own "thank you"

You want to talk about an unfair advantage?

If your competition gets a hold of this, they
will learn more about your customers than you
already know.

In this competitive world, you can't afford for
that to happen.

You need Instant Form Pro.

- No programming experience is needed.

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Click Here Now and Find Out Exactly what Your Customers are Thinking

Hurry and grab your copy of Instant Form Pro now
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When you know what they want, you'lll be able to
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Instant Form Pro is being offered at a special
price and it could go up at any moment.

Don't miss out. Get your copy now at:

Click Here Now and Find Out Exactly what Your Customers are Thinking

To your success!

Tony Markx

P.S. - Smart marketers know how to find out what
their customers want to buy. They ASK! Instant
Form Pro is hands-down the easiest way to create
unlimited surveys and more so you can increase
your bottom line quickly!

Click Here Now and Find Out Exactly what Your Customers are Thinking

Get Your Own Video Business Now

... so make sure you check it out right away!

Learn Internet Marketing Secrets Now

Private Label Rights Business

NO Presence Online = NO Money, SO

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Buy Businesses That Are ALREADY Making PROFITS

Instant Business Online

Internet Business Broker
Website Properties is a complete Brokerage Service for Internet Businesses. Request A Free Consultation Today - Get Your Video Secrets Here - Plus Your Own Video Business Online Now - LIMITED SALES - SO HURRY

I don't want to offend you...

... But chances are you're only getting a fraction of the
traffic you could be from Google.

And that means you're losing sales.

See, more traffic from top Google rankings = more sales.

But here's the problem...

Most so-called Internet marketing "experts" want you to
believe you need special voodoo magic to get your website
to the top of Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Well my good friend Derek Gehl has decided to take
a stand...

He's exposing the TRUTH behind search engine marketing.

Derek has created a free training video to show you his
"Simple 3-Step Formula" that will help you attract FLOODS
of eager buyers with a top search ranking.

(And there's no voodoo magic involved. Guaranteed.)

But it's only available for the next 48 hours, so you must
click here now:

And Learn The REAL Truth About Top GOOGLE Rankings

All the best,

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Get Your Own Video Business Now

... so make sure you check it out right away!

Learn Internet Marketing Secrets Now

Private Label Rights Business

NO Presence Online = NO Money, SO

Do not forget to Get Your Own Full-Blown Business Online Today

Buy Businesses That Are ALREADY Making PROFITS

Instant Business Online

Internet Business Broker
Website Properties is a complete Brokerage Service for Internet Businesses. Request A Free Consultation Today

Video Profits Here Now - LIMITED TIME

Vince Tan is at it again.

In case the name Vince Tan is not yet ringing any bells with you, this
is the guy that pulled off one of the biggest firesales of 2007, doing
$69,000 in sales in a mere 7 days.

.out of nowhere.

Yes, he came out of nowhere and racked up the kind of sales that some
never accomplish after years of being online.

He proved that it you WANT it you can do it. In fact, Vince became
quite the inspiration for many a marketer who never thought this kind
of fast online success to be possible.

So, here's why we're talking about this now, in 2008. you see, Vince
is going to do it again, this time shooting for 6 or even SEVEN figures
with NO out of pocket expenses!

Vince has made it his personal goal to show that ANYONE that wants to
accomplish this kind of success online can do it, regardless of how
much money they have OR don't have to start with.

Vince's firesale will go live on 18th November, BUT for now, you stand a
chance to win the complete firesale package plus some other extra stuff
worth $1,500 (or more!) by going to the site below and guessing the total
value of the firesale package! And also a $47 instant gift waiting for
you there if you join now.

Remember, that's 100+ top IM products that are currently selling in the
market Today!

Of course I've already put in my guess ;)

Check Out The Biggest Firesale Right Here Now

Vince has already managed to get over 100 Top Marketers to join forces
on this, again, without spending any of his own money, so you really
should follow this closely, and be on the lookout for the official launch
on November 18th, 2008.

Do It Now : Go Here

To Your Success

Tony Markx

Get Your Own Video Business Now

... so make sure you check it out right away!

Learn Internet Marketing Secrets Now

Private Label Rights Business

NO Presence Online = NO Money, SO

Do not forget to Get Your Own Full-Blown Business Online Today

Buy Businesses That Are ALREADY Making PROFITS

Instant Business Online

Internet Business Broker
Website Properties is a complete Brokerage Service for Internet Businesses. Request A Free Consultation Today

Everyone wants to have their site rank well in Google.

And why not? Not only can Google send you a boatload of free traffic - it's also highly targeted, and it's one of the best ways to drive business.

The problem is, that exact same ideal is shared with thousands of your direct competitors. This creates an environment where you'll always be fighting, kicking and scratching to maintain your traffic - along with the ever present fear that your livelihood is only one "algorithm update" away from vanishing.

And that's if you can even get ranked for any decent keyword, to begin with...

In fact, only the largest, most-established authority sites can reliably see consistent traffic from Google. And even then, their rankings fluctuate constantly - several times a day, in some cases.

The fact is - it's getting harder and harder for the "little guy" to get any kind of meaningful web presence on the web these days.

Getting ranked in Google is almost impossible unless you've got a major promotional budget and some time on your hands to "wait" for your domain to become trusted (Google favors older domains). And advertising with pay-per-click ads isn't affordable like it once was.

Search marketing has finally become what everyone feared it would - a game reserved for big business.

But what if there was still a way to legitimately rank for keywords with tons of traffic?

And what if you could do this without having to spend months and even years building up an authority site to do so?

In fact - what if you could systematically create one-page minisites that could rapidly rank in the top 3 spots (consistently) for basically any keyword you target within a matter of a week or so?

Is this for real?


But not with Google.

It's happening right now, as we speak, on

Now - before you think it - yes, I know, MSN doesn't have nearly the reach that Google does. But, it still does receive millions and millions of search users daily. After all - MSN is the default home-page for anyone who first uses Internet Explorer.

And, to put it in perspective, which would drive more traffic?

Occupying the #1 ranking for your most desirable keyword target on MSN?

Or occupying the #47 spot on page 5 of Google's results?

Sadly, it's actually more effort to make it to the 47th spot in Google than it is to literally dominate in MSN.

How does this work?

Watch this video to find out:

Go Here Now and watch how to rank in the number 1 position on MSN

Like I said - forget about Google.

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I recently caught wind of a rather controversial video today - created by a guy named Dave Kelly.

It plainly shows some truly unreal organic rankings that he's been achieving (by the hundreds) with, well - what seems like an actual search engine "hack"...

(Video is here: Check This Out NOW)

I don't know how he's accomplishing this. It's crazy.

These are one-page sites he's ranking in the top 1st, 2nd & 3rd spots for keywords that have massive competition. One example in the video was where his site was #1 for out of 577 Million results.

And the mini-site was only a few weeks old. (Like I said - this ain't something you see every day...)

Anyway - the video is being used as a marketing tool for a product called "The Ultimate Search Engine Loophole", which is being marketed by Dave Kelly (obviously) and Chris Rempel.

Dave & Chris are both known as being straight-shooters in the marketing industry - which is why I didn't just dismiss this as being the regular "hypefest" when I saw it.

These aren't the kind of guys that put out re-hashed stuff.

It's weird that they'd be sharing this, though.

Anyway - check out the rankings in the video for yourself:

Go Here, This Is Simply Awesome

It's pretty impressive, to say the least...

To Your Success

Tony Markx

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Let me get straight to the point:

I've always thought that the "good old days" of easy search engine rankings were a thing of the past.

It used to be that you could just copy the "meta tags" of a site you wanted to out-rank, submit your site to the search engine and "ta da", top rankings...

As you know - that's ancient history. Now it takes solid content and major link-building efforts. And months of just... waiting.

At least, that's what I've been led to believe.

But today, for the first time - I think I might actually be wrong...

I just finished watching a video that has literally left me stunned and a little confused. I don't honestly know what to think about it yet.

All I can say is... if this is for real... "wow".

See it for yourself By Going Here and Learn How To Get the Number 1 Spot in MSN Organic Search Results

(It's the video at the top of the page. Click play and be amazed...)

To Your Success.

Tony Markx

P.S. If you want, after you've checked out the video, reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. This could have a major impact for all of us...

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Your ad may only stay on for a few hours or maybe a few minutes, but what is the value of getting an ad in front of millions of people for only a few minutes? A lot!

But remember, what makes the advertising valuable is that entrepreneurs are spending a LOT of time on their members page getting FREE LEADS, as many as they can handle! While doing this your advertisements are in front of them.

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Getting back to your own product, it is a given that you will need to follow some important guidelines in order to come up with a product that will be enticing, informative, and affordable to your target audience. Here are some tips to help you get into the swing of developing the idea for such a product, actually following through with the creation of the product, and getting everything in order so you can effectively market the product.

It is important to always start at the beginning. When it comes to product development, there is really no other place to get your start. Assuming that you have performed due diligence and settled on the subject matter for your product, it is time to get into the design aspect of the product.

For the purposes of this section, we will focus on the creation of a line of informational E-books that will anchor a web site that also includes access to an online store that sells products related to the subject matter of the electronic books.

The thing to remember about informational E-books is that they have one main purpose or function. That function is to educate and promote further investigation into a specific subject. For example, if you plan on combining electronic books with an online herbal supplement business, then you will want to make sure the subject matter of the E-books is accurate, timely, and relevant to the products that are sold in the store. This will mean doing a great deal of research before you begin to write the first word.

You will want to explore the origins of the use of herbs in various schools of medicine and healing. Find what you can about the effectiveness of herbal remedies at various times and places. Locate research into the claims made for various herbs regarding the treatment of bodily ailments, and provide solid information about your source documents. In short, before you can hope to educate anyone else, you will need to spend some time educating yourself.

Once you have amassed sufficient knowledge and documentation to write effectively on the subject matter, you will need to begin the process of organizing your data. Hopefully, your research will have provided you with plenty of information that can serve as the basis for several E-books. Carefully divide your information into sub-categories, and organize the information in any format that will make it easy for you to retrieve the data.

This may mean resorting to traditional methods, such as the use of index cards. You may be able to create a series of electronic files and save them to your hard drive or on a CDR. The form of the organizational method is not as important as making sure that however you choose to organize the data, it will make it easy for you to locate what you need when you need it. It does not matter if you use a system that makes no sense to anyone else. The system only has to work for you.

Next, use the collected data as the inspiration for an outline of your E-book. Not only will this help to lay the groundwork for your table of contents, but the task will also create a resource that will help prevent you from wandering too far off the main topic. The purpose of an outline it to help create a logical and cohesive flow to the information that is being presented in the document.

Just as with any type of book, you want the thought processes presented in the material to follow a sensible chain of presentation, with each section or chapter logically leading into the following section. Thinking through this process in advance, rather than arbitrarily creating a collection of disjointed sections, will mean a lot less editing on the back end.

At the same time, it is important to not be so married to your first draft of the outline that you fail to include vital information or don't provide enough attention to any one point within the document. Keep in mind that the outline is a guide, not a sacred document that once handed down --- it can never be changed. Treat it with respect, but do not revere the outline to the point that you refuse to change it in any way. Feel free to revise, improve, rework, and in general adapt the outline as you move forward with the project.

One other thing you need to understand about the writing process as it relates to the production of an effective E-book. At some point, the text will begin to take on a life all its own. Do not be surprised if you find that the flow of the book demands that you state information in ways that would not normally occur to you.

In fact, you may find that some of the themes of the E-book are so important to the integrity of the contents that you find yourself repeating those themes in several chapters. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, as long as there is a valid reason for doing so.

To keep the content fresh, make sure that even if you are presenting a point for the third time, keep the verbiage you use different from the other instances. This will help the flow of the document in two ways.

First, it helps to reinforce key concepts when you present them in slightly different settings throughout the work. Second, it provides the reader with the chance to evaluate the theme or concept in a different light each time that you bring up the point. If the first attempt to educate with the theme did not quite click with the reader, there is every chance that by the third attempt, a connection will have taken place.

When creating the text for the E-book it is important to apply a certain amount of self-discipline. The fact is that you may not feel much like writing on a given day. However one of the secrets of writing is that you engage in the task even if you are not in the mood.

All the fairy tales about muses who come to sit on you and provide you with pearls of wisdom that appear as if by magic are just that - fairy tales. Writing is work, and often happens to be hard work.

If you are having a little trouble getting started, stop thinking about the five thousand words you planned on writing today. Instead, focus on creating one good paragraph. Once that is done, it will be a little easier to convince yourself to write just one more. In a short time, you will find that the entire page is filled and you just got some great ideas on how to expand on the subject matter on hand.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that creativity comes and goes. It is always present. But sometimes it is necessary to drag creativity to the surface, kick and screaming. Don't be afraid to do just that.

Once you have the first draft of the content for your E-book, set it aside for a day or two. This will allow you to refresh your mind and be able to go back and edit the draft with eyes that are fresh and capable of being balanced in the way you read the document. There is an excellent chance that you will find sections you want to rework slightly, or perhaps change a word here or there to make the section a little more cohesive or clear in its meaning.

By all means feel free to do so. Just as the outline was not to be considered above reproach and change, your manuscript, though a work of art, is also subject to revision and improvement. Make one round of edits and put the manuscript away for another day or two. Then try a second round of edits. You may find very little to correct the second time, which is a sound clue that you are just about ready to begin the formatting process.

After the text for your E-book has gone through editing, the time has come to begin formatting the material from a manuscript into a workable E-book format. Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent software packages that can take a basic word processing document and easily format it for use in an electronic book format. Most will allow you to set the page sizes, arrange major headings, create a Table of Contents, and then import the text of the manuscript into the program.

You can also use the tools included with the software to create a cover, just as if you were publishing a hard copy of the work. In fact, that is the look and feel you want to set as your goal. The only difference between your electronic book and a "real" book should be that one is a collection of images on a screen, and the other is a tangible paper document.

Don't hesitate to experiment with different formats for your E-book. There is nothing that says you have to pick the first format and stick with it. If you find have images that are original and belong to you will enhance the text, then include them. Should flow charts or diagrams that you have created be helpful in illustrating points, then by all means work them into the body of the E-book.

Keep in mind that at the end of the process, you want to have a product that is high quality, and everything that you wanted it to be. If you are not proud of what you have created, it will make it much harder to interest anyone else in purchasing your product.

Before you actually place the E-book for sale online, you may want to provide one or two trusted individuals with an electronic copy, and get their feedback. You are looking for not only comments about the text. You also want to get their impressions about the organization of the material, the effectiveness of any images or charts you chose to include in the information, and the general look of the E-book.

This type of feedback may be very helpful in getting some idea of the reaction you can expect from your target audience. Little things, such as noting that the cover or images take too long to load on a dial-up connection may be important, if you plan on marketing the E-book to an audience that is more likely to still be using that technology.

This will give you one last chance to make some changes in format that will make the E-book more user friendly, and increase the chances that people who actually buy the book will recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.

Developing your own information product can be an exciting challenge. There is a lot of ground to cover before you ever begin the actual process of creating the product.
During those early stages, it may seem as if there is simply too much to do. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with the details and don't set up some sort of deadline for completion that is not reasonable.

If you are creating the product in your spare time, realize that chances are you will need to devote the equivalent of several days or a week to the effort at the very least. Unless you are working with information that you have a strong relationship with, you will not be able to research and write content for an informational product over the weekend.

This means you will need to focus on turning out quality work, and realize that it will take as long as it takes.

At the same time, do not use the process as a reason to put off until tomorrow what you can do today. While you may reach a point where you feel frustrated or intimidated, don't let a day go by that some sort of progress is not made with the project. Even if it means only doing a little work, get that much done. You may be surprised how easy it makes the task of picking up and continuing on easier to face.

Above all, be realistic and don't expect to create a finished product in one simple round. Edits are your friend, and will only serve to make the informational product all the more useful. By exercising patience, an ample amount of discipline, and being open to correction and improvement, you will soon have an information product that you can market with full confidence.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

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If you are interested in pairing your informational product with one or more physical products, chances are you will need to find products that can be easily ordered over the Internet, and also have a clear and concise connection to your information product.

For example, if your information product has to do with conducting business meetings, you would want to partner with vendors who provided services that had something to do with the meeting process.

For example, you may want to consider becoming an independent agent for an audio conference call bureau. Along with marketing your own informational product, you could also pick up teleconferencing clients who visit your site, like your product and find they would like to try holding meetings via an audio conference.

Many conference call bureaus offer agents a customized URL that will take prospects to a sign up page that is associated with the agent. Thus, the client gets to set up their own account with the conference bureau, but you as the agent get credit for the sale and any resulting commissions from their activity.

At the same time, you may also find that an alliance with a vendor who supplies conference room tables and supplies might be a good fit. Once again, creating a branded link from your advertising web site over to the vendor's online store will help generate traffic for them, and you will get credit for the sale.

Another potential vendor alliance would be with companies that produce conference room audio equipment. Many of these vendors also make good use of vendors and can easily create customized links that can be dropped on your web site.

People read your information, order it, and then notice that they can also be redirected to a site to look at speakerphones for a conference room. You may money with the sale of your information product, and also realize a return off the sale of a speakerphone via the branded link.

Finding all these wonderful vendors who want to set up a marketing strategy with you will take some careful investigation.

First, you need to be able to establish the legitimacy of the vendor.

What type of track record does the vendor have with processing orders in a timely manner?

Does the vendor sell quality products?

What can you find out about delivery methods?

How does the vendor provide quality customer support to people who purchase products from them?

Keep in mind that your reputation and your credibility will be tied back to that of any link that is found on your web site and associated in some manner with your information product. Shoddy products, poor customer service, and limited shipping options will all reflect not only on the vendor, but also on you.

For this reason, you want to find out everything you can about the vendor before you ever begin to promote any type of relationship between you and the supplier.

Of course, there are also a number of private branding opportunities to be found on the Internet as well. You may find that you want to gear your information products toward a particular sector of the retail consumer market, such as in the case of health foods or herbal supplements. Along with your written products, you may want to offer the convenience of a privately branded online health food store.

There are actually several vendors who offer this type of arrangement. With most of them, you are able to take a generic store front that is already stocked with products, use the owner control features that are granted to you as part of the total package, and set your own retail rates for the items included in the store. Orders placed online are routed to a central fulfillment house, which handles the preparation and shipment of the order, as well as processing the payment.

In return for marketing the online store through your web site and other means, you get the difference between the retail price you set for the item and the wholesale price that is charged by your vendor. Generally, companies who offer this type of private branded online store also provide the reseller with online access, so it is easy to monitor the number of orders and get an idea of what items are selling well.

One of the easiest ways to begin your search for these types of opportunities is to conduct a keyword search using phrases such as "online store," "agent," "reseller," and a keyword that is closely associated with the subject matter of your information product. This can help you find opportunities that will be worth investigating.

As part of the process of your evaluation, make sure to look for online consumer reports about the parent company that handles the order fulfillment and stocks the shelves of your online store. Just as with agent opportunities, you need to be concerned about how the standard operating practices of your retail vendor partner will reflect on you and your efforts to build a viable business.

Look for companies that appear to have a high level of customer satisfaction, are not the frequent subjects of complaints, and appear to provide features that will allow you to easily develop a marketing campaign to promote the store.

It is important that you take your time in researching these opportunities. Don't be lured in by gimmicks that offer you some extra incentive if you sign up today. In the long run, that can be costly to both your reputation and your finances.

Instead, do your homework and create a list of potential vendor partners whose products you can represent and offer with full confidence.

Then, do some market testing. Begin with a simple effort, such as having friends or family check over the product offerings and get their opinions about the pricing, sizes, and range of products that are offered. What you are looking for is not only positive feedback, but also constructive criticism. Chances are that if your friends spot some liabilities associated with the product offerings, others will feel the same way.

This may be enough to convince you to look for other opportunities. However, if you feel strongly about the chances of succeeding with that vendor product line, you at least will have the chance to address those concerns in any information products you create that speak directly or indirectly to the product line.

Before launching an official and public relationship, you may also want to place a few orders yourself and see how things go. This will help you get familiar with the ordering process, so that in the event you are contacted by someone who is interested in how to place an order, you can respond based on your experience.

Second, this will allow you to inspect a few of the products first hand, and thus be assured of the general quality of the goods that are sold. Last, you will have the opportunity to test drive the vendor partner online tools, make sure you understand how they work, and can interact with their customer support team on any questions you have.

If you find that the responses you get are either both canned and ineffectual, or that there seems to be an unacceptable lag in how long it takes to get a response to any of your queries, this is a sure sign that you need to sever the relationship and look elsewhere.

You can rest assured that if the vendor takes a casual approach to communicating with a partner, there is not much chance of them being in a big hurry to interact with anyone who purchased goods from the online store.

The main rule of thumb about locating potential vendor partners for online sales to support your information product is to keep your focus. Make sure that whatever arrangements you make with a vendor; their offerings have a clear and supportive connection to your product.

Also, make sure you select a vendor partner that knows how to deliver both the goods and high quality customer care. If you manage to find all these qualities, then there is an excellent chance of consistent and continual success for both you and your partner.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

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One of the first tasks you will face when it comes to creating informational products for sale on the Internet is deciding what the subject matter for the product will involve. There are actually several ways that you can come up with ideas that will allow you to form the basis for your product.

As is true with any type of informational writing, it is a good idea to start with that you know. The basis for your informational product may be the result of just about any type of experience that has been part of your life.

For example, you may find that some of the formal educational experiences of years past have given you some particular insights that can form the basis for an informational product. Work experience is another fertile field for coming up with numerous topics and approaches for constructing products that convey a great deal of information.

Religious backgrounds are another example of mining past experiences that may help to produce marketable information products that will have an appeal to one or more niche markets. In like manner, hobbies can also yield a wealth of ideas for information products that would attract the interest of a credible section of consumers.

Along with mining your own past experiences, there is also the need to determine the direction of your pitch in the informational products. Do you want to adopt an approach that helps to inform people of how to perform a task associated with a specific subject? Perhaps your emphasis is not going to be so much on how to do something, but what not to do.

With this approach, your direction is more along the lines of presenting information that will help people avoid pitfalls associated with particular actions or tasks. The idea is to create a credible and thought provoking information product that prevents people from wasting time and resources by pursuing ideas or procedures that have proven all too often to be nothing more than dead ends.

Cautionary information products are certainly a viable option, since they often attract the attention of people who do not want to be slowed down on the road to success.
If for some reason you do not want to mine your own past life experience, there are still other ways to come up with ideas that are likely to be ideal for creating information products to market and sell.

One method is to take a long hard look at the people around you. What types of interests do they have? Are there life experiences of theirs that you can learn from and thus utilize to create a product that would be attractive to a wider public?

Spending some time with family and friends and just allowing them to talk about whatever comes to mind may yield some interesting topics that you can explore as subject matter for your information product or products.

Regional or national issues may also be a source of ideas. Events that seem to have a significant impact on the ideas and attitudes of a large group of people can often provide the seed of an idea for an information product.

For example, persons who work in industries that are going through a period of downsizing may be very interested in an informational product that has to do with making lateral moves into new industries, as well as products that have to do with starting a whole new career.

Natural disasters may be the impetus behind the creation of informational products that speak to the development of skills and practices that help to keep people going when waters rise, the power is off, and weather conditions are not comfortable. Looking around you and connecting with what is going on in the world right now can often lead to several intriguing ideas for information products.

Once you have your basic idea for your information product, start putting it together. If your mind is a jumble of ideas and thoughts, sort them out by making a simple outline.

This will provide a basis for how you want to present the information and will help you organize the data in a flow that is logical and easy to grasp. The outline will also help you to not forget a point of interest that strikes you as being particularly relevant to the subject matter.

As helpful as the outline will be to the process of drafting the content of your information product, don't feel as if you are a slave to the outline. As you progress with the work, you will no doubt encounter other ideas or thoughts that you want to include. Feel free to see the outline as a work in progress, and add, revise, and delete as you see fit.

One of the truly great attributes of the computer age is the fact that a word processing program is a lot easier to use than a typewriter. It is very easy to go back and insert additional text when a burst of inspiration strikes.

No doubt, as you go along, there will be details that come to you that may be relevant to a section of the product that you have already completed. Simply go back and find a way to insert the new thought in the right place, so the integrity of the product is maintained.

Along with finding the inspiration for your information products, there is also the need to find ways to market and sell the products. One thing to understand is that there is no one mode of advertising that is going to be the only solid avenue to generating sales.

One of the quickest ways to kill the chances for making money with a product is to assume that engaging in one mode of advertising will take care of everything. Before you ever begin the first stages of working on your information product, make up your mind to be open to multiple options for marketing your work.

This will often include establishing your own web site, which will provide a connection to your product. You may also look for ways to establish ads on other web sites, providing links back to advertising copy and ordering instructions for your product.

Don't forget to look into print media options as well. You may be planning on going after a big audience via the Internet, but the fact is that many people still look for information in magazines, newspapers, and community publications. You may be surprised how much attention you can get from a simple well-placed ad in a well regarded print publication that caters to your target audience.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

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One profitable way of succeeding as an Internet marketer is to create your own basic information products and then couple them with existing goods or services that help to enhance the reputation and effectiveness of your own brain child.

This, of course, means that you will need to create your own basic product that will serve as the foundation for your efforts.

This is not something that just anyone can do, and do well. In order to create your own products, there are several characteristics that will prove to be absolutely essential, if you really want to make an impact on a public that by and large are already jaded by all the products and services that are found online today.

One of the first things you have to ask yourself is just how creative are you? People may exhibit creativity in a number of different ways. For some people, creativity comes about by taking elements that are already in hand and finding new and exciting ways to employ those elements.

For example, a growing trend in decorating these days is the redesign. Rather than scrapping existing furnishings, interior re-designers come into the space and reorganize the items that are already owned by the occupants.

Persons with the ability to look at existing elements and see new and exciting ways to make use of those same elements definitely have what it takes to create a product that may contain a lot of the usual stuff, but is put together in a way that brings a whole new dimension to the concept.

Other people are much better at starting with nothing and creating something brand new. This ground up approach is usually the province of people who love the blank canvass, seeing it as a space that can be molded and shifted in any way they choose.

There are no boundaries, no preconceived expectations, and nothing to prevent making anything that they want. People who have exhibited the ability to take nothing and turn it into something certainly have what it takes to create a successful online product.

Then, there are people who express creativity by taking something that are tried and true and giving it a fresh and new looks. People with this type of ability often see all the good points of a product or service that has a proven track record.

Still, they feel it can be enhanced or improved in a number of small ways that will not only help to retain the interest of long term users, but also attract others who may have overlooked the product in the past, because it was such a common thing.

People with the ability to take a good thing and make it a little better, a little more user friendly, a little easier to understand, definitely have what it takes to come up with a product or service that can be effectively marketed online.

So where does your creativity level exhibit itself to best advantage? Let that direction lead you into the next step of the process, which is learning how to create products that will be marketable online.

To Your Success

Tony Markx

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