First of all, I'm going to talk specifically about selling niche products online. Yes,there are several other ways of making money in online niche markets , but for the sake of clarity, I'm going to stick with one business model here, selling products.
Let me also make this very clear.
This report is NOT about selling "how to make money online" ebooks
to other people.
While Internet marketing is, in itself, a profitable niche market,
many Internet business beginners make the mistake of believing that
marketing products are the only sort of product they can sell online.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Practically any type of product that can be marketed on Main Street
can also be sold on the Internet, providing it is offered ONLY to people
who have a pre-determined interest, or a "niche market" in other
Here are some broad niche categories where thriving online markets
exist. These are not listed in any order of importance or popularity :
-sports of all kinds
-dating and relationships
-psychics and astrology
-health and nutrition
-weight loss
-pregnancy and new babies
-travel and recreation
-self help and self improvement
-overcoming addictions
-computers and electronics
-pet care
-home improvement
-music and games
-jewelry and clothing
-real estate buying and investing
-weddings and marriage
This list could easily go on and on. With a bit of imagination and
keyword research, any one of these niche topics can be branched out
into a number of potentially profitable sub-niches ! But right now, let's
get down to the basics.
Niche Marketing Explained
For our purpose here, the word ‘niche ’ is defined as : A special area of
demand for a product or service.
The word ‘marketing ’ is defined as : Providing an opportunity to buy
or sell a product or service.
If you put the two words together, niche marketing means buying or
selling a product or service in a special area of demand. All that really means is that a product or service is being offered and sold NOT to the world in general ....but instead to a highly targeted group of people who are *already interested*in, or at least have a common need for that particular product or service.
So a niche marketing campaign must be designed to meet the unique
needs and desires of a very targeted audience. At the same time,
successful niche marketers tailor their product or service specifically to meet the unique needs and desires of that group.
If,for example,you have designed a product to make dog grooming
easy for the everyday dog owner, then your market could include
owners of many different dog breeds. On the other hand, if your
product is geared toward grooming poodles, it would be a waste of
your time and resources to market your product to people who own
other dog breeds besides poodles.
If you have written an ebook that explains how to start and succeed at
a home business, the people who are looking for that sort of
information will be your niche market.
Those people who are perfectly happy with punching a time clock
every day probably are not interested at all.
Now, let s examine the niche marketing concept on somewhat
different terms. Current statistics tell us that a majority of adult
Americans are overweight. And search engine clicks prove that
"weight loss" is one of the most popular search topics online.
So we might, in theory, take those two bits of information and think
we could successfully advertise our weight loss program to the public
on a broad scale ....including office workers, new mothers, motorcycle
owners, computer users, fishermen, craft enthusiasts, just about
anyone etc, etc, ....right?
Even though a good percentage of those people might need or want to
lose a few pounds,the probable result will be fewer sales,and a waste
of your precious advertising budget.
Whatever you decide to sell online,you must first identify WHO will be
most interested in buying your product, and WHERE they can be
efficiently contacted en masse for the smallest possible cost.Then you
focus on putting your advertising message in front of those people
Niche Advertising is More Productive and Cost Effective
One of the things that makes niche marketing so attractive is that the
advertising budget goes farther. It costs much less to advertise to a
specialized niche market than to advertise to a broader market - even
if a percentage of that broad market may be interested in the product
or service.
In addition, sales conversion (the ratio of contacts vs actual sales)
and bottom line profit will typically be much higher from an advertising
campaign directed toward a tightly targeted niche market.
Just remember to keep the ad campaign in context. Do not attempt to
advertise your weight loss program in a newsletter that is sent out to
a list of horse breeders. To the reader, your ad would seem weird in
the least -like being offered gourmet cheese samples in an auto parts
So here is the bottom line ....
Whether online or offline, niche marketing is a very effective and cost
efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a
specific audience.
But only you can decide *which* specific niche audience(s) you want
to deal with.
Do Your Hobbies and Personal Passions Really Matter??
The common advice on the Internet is that you should choose a niche
that relates to one of your hobbies, or to pick a topic for which you
have a passion.
Thats all well and good .....if lots of other people share the same
passion, interest, or problem.
On the other hand, passion for a particular topic does not guarantee
that a related product will be a success. Passion for making money will
take you much further toward success than a passion for bass fishing
in the White River of Arkansas.
For example, somewhere there is a guy who owns a factory that
makes clothes hangers.
Now, he probably doesn't live, eat, and breathe clothes hangers. Most
likely he doesn't socialize with a crowd of clothes hanger enthusiasts either.
But if his business is successful, you can bet he has a passion for
making a profit. And he earns that profit by solving a problem for a lot
of people.
Look for Problems to Solve
Niche marketing at its best helps to solve real problems that real
people live with everyday. If you can come up with a product or
service to promote in a niche market that will help people solve their
problems then you will have a money making niche market website
and can quickly build a long list of potential customers.
The things that people view as ‘problems ’ cover a massive spectrum of
possibilities, everything from how to hang a nail, to getting a better golf swing, to how to cure a chronic disease are all people problems that they are looking for help to solve.
A good way to find out what people consider a problem is to visit the
online forums. People talk about anything and everything online.They
discuss subjects that they wouldn’t talk about with their best friends
for the simple reason that they can remain anonymous. They look for
solutions online for the very same reason.
By visiting forums and taking note of what people are most concerned
about you can search the Internet for products and services that will
help them solve those problems.
Gather all the information you can about the topic. Write or have
written for you articles about the topic. In this way you can find a
topic and build a content-rich website for niche marketing that helps
with the problem you have identified and that will serve the needs of
An additional way to use forums to help you build a niche market
website is to join a forum ,identify the problem being most often
discussed, post a question that will produce many responses and use
those responses to write an e-book on the topic.
The fact is that many people will buy an ebook that is filled with
information they could actually gather for themselves. But they will
pay you for that information if you package it conveniently and save
them some time.
Visit Bookstores to Determine What's Hot
The day may come when people do all of their researching and
reading online but it isn’t here yet. Fiction, of course ,will always be in print, it would be hard to curl up with a good novel in front of the fireplace on a cold winter day with a computer. Research, however, may eventually all be done online.
People buy ‘how-to ’ books and books that are devoted to solving their
problems and/or making their lives better every day. By identifying
the hot market books that are being sold in bookshops (online and off
line) you can identify a hot niche marketing topic.
Go to the bookshops in your area and take note of the kinds of non-
fiction books that are stocked. You should particularly note the ones
that are self-help or how-to books.
If you can create the opportunity, ask the stock boy which ones are
selling the best. He ’s the one who knows what is being restocked most
often. That failing, ask a floor salesperson the same question. Asking
the bookstore owner or manager is the last option.
They are more likely to be pushing the books that aren ’t selling well in order to make a sale. Learn by whatever means you can which self-help or how-to books are the hottest sellers.
Another option is the online bookstores.You can’t, of course, ask for
information from a person but you can research the site and
determine which of the non-fiction self-help or how-to books are
highest in sales.
Finding out what books people are most often buying can give you
some insight into what the hot market subjects are. Armed with this
information,you can go about creating a niche marketing website that
will have a better chance of becoming successful.
Where to Research Keywords
The NicheBot keyword research tool (and $1 trial offer!) is a terrific
time saver. And besides, it doesn't cost you a dime to use.
After you have made a short list of a few niche markets where you
might like to work, go over to NicheBot and type in whatever basic
keywords you would use if you were actually searching for information
on those topics.
To practice, you might want to pick three or four words from the list
on page one of this report. I won't go into the mechanics of using the
NicheBot site. Excellent help files are available therein.
I'll also make a quick mention the Free Trial at Keyword Discovery
which is a paid keyword research service that digs much deeper than
NicheBot, at least at this time.
A commonly stated rule of thumb is that any base keyword that
returns 50,000 or more searches a month is a potentially profitable
However,don t cast the 50,000 figure in stone. Smaller markets can
be just as profitable if they are not being served by your competitors.
Along that line, KeywordDiscovery also provides you with statistics
on keyword competition as well, and a nifty KEI index that reflects
less competitive markets at a glance.
But don't allow yourself to be automatically put off by a highly
competitive niche. And don t get stuck in looking for a niche market
where there is NO competition. Such a thing doesn't exist and even
if it did, where there is NO activity, there is also NO money.
Where there is a lot of activity,there is typically a lot of money as
well. Think for a moment about how fast food chains tend to cluster
their outlets in a single area of any given town. They all learned a long time ago that competition breeds activity,and activity results in sales.
What's Next?
Once you have firmed up a potentially profitable market, be sure you
actually search the base keywords in both Yahoo and Google, and visit
at least the top 10 search results to see what those sites are up to
what they are offering in the way of products and what needs you
might be able to fill in that niche.
So you see, defining a profitable niche market involves compiling
information relating to several factors as no single factor will tell the
entire story. You need to at least take a good look at:
- niche topic popularity
- keyword popularity
- actual search statistics
- level of competition and their tactics
- product presence (or absence)
and then come to a conclusion based on logic and observation, leaving
emotion and cheap thrills to the side for the fortune seekers and
program hoppers.
A Final Word
Keep in mind that how well you package and market your product,
and the degree of market penetration you achieve, will likely be the
deciding factor in whether or not your venture flies or crashes to the
Thousands of outstanding products go by the wayside every day from
a gross lack of effective marketing.
At the same time, truckloads of worthless junk are perpetrated on the
buying public every day of the year, as a result of clever marketing
At this point,I could go on into aspects of product development and
marketing, keyword targeting and generating traffic with online
content, advertisements, viral campaigning and on and on.
But that, dear reader, is seed for other exclusive reports!
Wishing you all the best and great success
Tony Markx
Once you see the potential for making money online,
it's natural for you to wonder what it would be like
to corner the market on something everyone needs.
Being the biggest fish in the biggest pond would be
ideal, right?
Competition is the spice of business life.
You won't have to wait very long before someone else
grabs a hunk of your market, if you have a high
Here's a big secret to Internet Marketing success:
find a narrow and deep niche of buyers and earn their
love and respect.
This is not just a nice idea; it's a hard-nosed,
practical strategy for long-term growth and stability.
Niche domination is the key to creating a stream of
revenue that resists economic downturns, recessions
and seasonal ups-and-downs.
Even if your business is seasonal (i.e. holiday
related), you can make sales year 'round, if you
"train" your customers to buy according to your
You may be asking, "Why love and respect?" First of
all, I'm not suggesting you become a hippie or a
You need to have an impact on people's lives that is
bigger than the value of your products alone. If you
develop a habit of "overdelivering" to your customers,
your value to them becomes much higher.
Good customer service, practical advice, sound
resource recommendations and the like can "bond" you
with your buyers.
Allowing your personality to shine through your
presentation and follow up communication gives people
a way to connect with you, beyond the commercial
Having a sense of humor helps, too.
A narrow and deep niche simply means a specific area
of continuing interest and demand that has enough
regular buyers to earn you a profit.
Fad niches don't have the staying power to mean much
for your permanent income. It's okay to exploit a fad,
if you have the skills to react quickly and implement
an action plan immediately.
For the long term, seek out the products and services
that people buy and upgrade as a matter of course. Get
them as beginners and grow with them as they need more
and better products and services.
People with all different types of interests often buy up all they can find
on and off the web about their subject. Information seekers are like
pack rats in a sense, gathering up everything they can find on
the subject that interests them.
Information products offer a way to sell something new
to a "saturated" market. If what you offer has a
unique perspective, a better format or a new slant on
an old subject, you might find that selling this
market is not a chore - it's a breeze!
If you've identified a market for physical products
that people buy, use up and buy again, you can build a
permanent stream of revenue.
Again, even in a saturated market, your unique
approach that targets the particular needs of your
buyers can carve out a share of that market.
Take the time to identify or "profile" your buyers.
Get to know what they're like in as many areas of
their lives as you can. The more you know about them,
the more you can meet them at their needs.
Your competition could offer them a better price, but
if you offer them a reason to love you, that won't
There's an additional value to earning the love and
respect of your niche market - evangelical customers.
These folks will spread the word about your product or
service to anyone who'll listen.
You can't buy that kind of advertising. If your competition
doesn't have the same approach to earning love and respect,
they'll never be able to catch up to you!
By finding out as much as possible about your customers wants and needs you will have the ability to be able to learn how to corner niche marketing success and then apply that method to any business you start up or have already or just dominate other niche markets.
Niche Empires - How To Write Successful Articles And Profit Fast
By Learning How To Write Successful Articles You are able to Profit Fast. If You are writing articles to make profits You must always make sure that You use Unique, Relevant, and most importantly Helpful Information that gives the answers to Your Readers needs or questions !
If the content You write in Your articles is Unique and one-off it will be seen by the search engines as non-duplicated and should shoot straight to the top of their rankings and search results, which in-turn should bring You a quick growing amount of traffic and a large percentage of sales.
You and Your Business can make profits fast just by spending a short amount of time learning how to write successful articles and then spread them like wildfire across the web through Your own website First, then more importantly from a viral aspect, distribute them to online article directories where people can use them as content for free on their website.
When they do that it provides a one-way backlink to Your website, which the search engines look at as well in ranking Your website, so the more the better.
Always make sure that the link or links in your author/resource box point straight back to Your website/websites, or re-directed through a domain name you own to your affiliate links to stop link thieves . This to me is rule number 1. You are wasting time writing if the link is not pointing to Your Point of Sale.
By writing successful Articles they can have the ability to advertise for free for you for years to come, and they are far more effective than ads because you are giving information and building a relationship with your reader.
Unique, Relevant Genuine Content is what drives the Net today and people plus the search engines and their SERP's ( search engine results pages ) can not get enough of it. If You can Learn How To Write Successful Articles and find a niche or hobby You know something about, You can make Great Profits Fast. If you can write just one short article a week, usually 500 to 700 per words and send it out each week to online Free article directories, and you do this consistently, you will brand yourself as an expert in your field of writing while making money at the same time.
Write a great resource box that will sell you to your market properly by first appealing to their curiosity or secondly to their humor, and even better if you are able to write a resource box by-line that incorporates both angles. Format your article correctly, and you will demonstrate that you are a professional. Publishers will want to publish your articles again and again.
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Make Money Easier With Google Adsense will show You how to dominate forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home.
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Finding the Best Niches will lead You step by step to easily build an online empire. This ebook explains all the secrets used to be able to find the best niches and profit from them quickly.There is an endless supply of niches today, but the hard thing has been finding the best niches. This ebook will take You straight to them, so that You can profit from them faster. Finding the best niches can mean untold riches for You.
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Yes thats right, Squidoo means FREE Google Traffic, Squidoo is free to use and provides great amounts of free traffic to sell directly to straight from your lens or use it as a hub page to direct them to your blog/s , websites or affiliate links.
What ever way you decide to use it, just make sure that you do, because Google loves Squidoo and places them high in it's search engine rankings, Be sure to provide quality, relevant and especially unique content and the search engines will gobble it up.
I have placed some of my lenses below here, they have and continue to give me a pretty good stream of free traffic, be sure to check them out, they are jam-packed full of free info as well as the best products online., the same ones that are making me a nice income online and growing every month.
Make no mistake, any free traffic you can get from Google is a real bonus to any marketer, so by using Squidoo to easily build lenses that will rank high and receive nice flows of traffic is a real no-brainer.
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Niche Empires - What Can Free Ebooks With PLR Do To Help Your Business?
When you have a business online you will have to know how to get traffic to your site if you want to make any money. One good way you can do this is to use free eBooks with plr. There are many things you can do with free eBooks with plr to help your business grow. You just have to take the time to learn what you can do.
Here are some of the things you can do with plr eBooks so that you can watch your business grow.
- You can take more than one eBook and bundle it with other eBooks and then sell it to make some money.
- You can also take the eBook apart and use the different sections as ecourses that you can give away on an auto responder in return for the names and email address of anyone that wants it.
- You can give away the free eBooks with plr to your customers so that they can have a business tool that they can use.
- Plr eBooks are a great incentive that you can use to grow your opt-in list.
These are just a few of the ways that you can use free eBooks with plr.
You can do some research to find out how other people are using plr eBooks to help them grow their business and make money. You can visit forums to find out all the information you need to know and if you don’t find it then you can ask in the forum and someone will give you an answer.
The free eBook with plr rights can be a very powerful tool for your business if you learn how to take advantage of it for your business. People who are successful with their businesses have been using eBooks with plr rights for a long time because they know how much they can help their business.
Now you need to learn all you can so you can take advantage of plr eBooks too. You don’t want to just assume that you know how to use eBooks because when you do you will end up making a lot of mistakes that could have been avoided if you had just taken the time to do your homework. So add this to your business toolbox and start growing your business today so you can make the kind of money that you have always dreamed of.
Summary: Free eBooks with plr can be a big asset for your business. You just need to learn how to use them and what you can do with them to help make them one of your most powerful tools. You definitely want to add plr eBooks to your business toolbox so you can grow your business and make more money.
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Niche Empires - PLR Software - 5 Ways You Can Use Private Label Rights Software To Increase Your Traffic
On the internet there are so many ways that you use software to help you increase the traffic to your site. When you have plr software, you can use this to help you get more traffic and to help you build your opt-in list. Here are some ways that you can use plr software to build the traffic to your business.
You can give the plr software to your newsletter or ezine subscribers. It gives people a reason to want to sign up to your ezine which is important because there are so many ezines that they can choose to sign up with. There are a lot of places online that you can find tons of private label rights software that you can give away.
You want to make sure that you get the name and email of anyone that is going to downloading the plr software. You don’t want to ignore this because if you do then you will be giving up a lot of customers. You can use an auto responder to automate this process for your business.
You can place free target marketed software downloads on your site. You will again want to get the name and email of anyone that will be downloading this software.
You can place plr software on a limited time give away site. This will help you to build your opt-in list and will also help you to get some testimonials for your product that will help your business make more money.
You can let people download the plr software for free if they agree to link to your site from theirs. You will be able to get your link all over the internet by doing this and it will definitely bring in traffic to your website.
The more ways you can think of to use plr software to get traffic to your site the more money you will make. You just need to use your brain and use private label rights software to your advantage. You don’t want to not use this software because when you do you will be losing customers and money. So do some research and find out all about the different ways that you can use software for your business. You will be glad you did when you see your opt-in list grow as when the money you make grows at a steady rate.
Summary: PLR software can be used to your advantage when you use it in your business. Find out all the different ways that you can use it to increase your traffic to your website. Private label rights software is definitely a business tool you want to use.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
Niche Empires - PLR Articles - How Do You Use Private Label Rights Articles The Right Way?
When you are using plr articles in your business you need to know how to use them right because there is a wrong way that you can use them. You don’t want to use them wrong because if you do then it will just be a waste of the money you spent on the product. It can also hurt your business. You don’t want to let your traffic, rankings or productivity suffer because you don’t know the right way to use plr articles.
Here are the right ways for you to use plr articles.
Change the title - Even if you don’t change anything else about the private label rights articles you will want to change the title. You want to use keywords in the title for SEO purposes but you want to rewrite the title so that it shows your voice and the tone of your site, eBook or newsletter.
Change the plr article - When you plan on submitting the private label rights to article directories than it is important that you change the article body. How much you change the article will depend on how you are going to use it. If you are going to be putting the article on your website you will want to change anywhere from 25% to 50% of it. If you are going to submit the plr articles to the article directories than it is imperative that you rewrite the whole article.
Hire a ghostwriter. You don’t have to change the plr article yourself if you don’t want to. You can hire someone to rewrite the article for you. You can find a ghostwriter that you can hire for a pretty cheap price, which will mean that you will still receive a substantial savings on the articles.
Use the same content more often. When you buy plr articles you are not limited on just using them on your site. You can do a lot of things with private label rights articles to help you increase your profits. You can use these articles for a newsletter, eBook or even an ecourse. You can take an article and break it up into sections that you can use on your website or blog.
You want to think outside the box and come up with as many ways as you can to use these articles to the best advantage for your business. You will be amazed at the results you can achieve by using these plr articles. So take advantage of the private label rights articles and make them work for your business and help make you money.
Summary: There are many ways that you can use plr articles the right way. You want to make sure that you know how to use them right so that they don’t hurt your business. The more ways you can use these private label rights articles the more money you can make and the more traffic you can get to your website.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
Niche Empires - PLR Products - What Are The Advantages Of Private Label Rights Products?
PLR stands for private label rights. For the people who don’t know what these are they are products that are written by someone else and then sold to others to use as they want to even to the extent that you can change them in any way that you want to.
You can find plr products all over the internet and you will be able to find them on any subject you can imagine.
So what are the advantages of plr products?
Private label rights products are very versatile. You can put your own name on them or edit them however you want to.
You can put your own affiliate links into the plr products. This will mean that you can get sales and you don’t have to do anything other than that to get paid when people read the product.
You can use the plr products to create your own viral eBook. This will help you increase your traffic and attract more people to your website. You can also create websites that are full of information using content with the private label rights products. When you create these sites you can put Adsense on them to help you make some hands free money.
You can create your own e-mail course that you can put onto an auto responder for the people who want information. This will help you build a mailing list which can be a very powerful business tool.
You can get plr products for pretty cheap if you know where to get them. Some of them will be more expensive but the price will depend on what you are getting with the private label rights products. You can get an eBook for a lot less than a $100 whereas if you had someone ghostwrite you your own eBook product it could cost you anywhere from $200 to $1,000.
You can use the plr products to put fresh content onto your website instead of writing it all from scratch. All you would need to do is to write 25% to 50% percent of it so that it will be considered fresh content. Search engines love fresh content and because of this you will start to see your website traffic grow.
These are just a few of the several advantages for PLR products. You can find these types of products easily if you just look for them. You definitely want to be using private label rights products in your business because when you are not you are not taking advantage of a powerful business tool as you can see by all of the advantages there are to using these products.
Summary: Private label rights products have many advantages. You need to find out what these are so you can start using them for your business if you are not already. Find out why you may be missing a very powerful tool for your business.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
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Niche Empires - PLR - How Can Private Label Rights Help Your Business?
There are many people who use plr products to help them grow their business. When you are not using plr than you are missing out on a very powerful tool that will help you grow your business and make money. You need to be using private label rights products in your business otherwise you will be losing out and not making the kind of money that you could be.
Here are a few of the ways that the plr can help you with your business.
- You can take the private label rights products and give them away as a bonus for signing up to your newsletter.
- You can use them as an incentive for buying another product. In other words, when they buy one product they get the plr product for free.
- You can change private label rights products so that they are your own. You can add your name and website to it. You can also rewrite the content in any way that you want to that will be beneficial to your business. This will allow you to have your own product without having to spend months creating one from scratch.
- You can sell them on eBay or any other auction site. This is a good way to make money. You can always find these types of products for sale on eBay. You can sell them all over the internet to make money too.
- You will have total control of the plr product which will mean that you can decide how much to charge for it. You can even put more than one private label rights products together and sell them as a bundle. Then you will be able to charge more money for them.
These are just a few of the ways that these types of products can help your business. There are so many other ways that you can learn about by doing some research. The more education you get on using private label rights products for your business the more money you will be able to make and the more powerful of a business tool it will become. Watch and learn from other people when it comes to plr. You will be surprised at all of the different ways that you can use these products for your business to help you make money and continuously grow your business. You will be glad you did.
Summary: There are many ways that plr can be a benefit to your business. You need to learn how the private label rights can be a very powerful tool for your business so you can start using them today. You will be glad you did when you see the money coming in.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
Niche Empires - Free Private Label Rights Ebooks - Are They Really Worth What People Say?
When you use private label rights eBooks or software you can make a lot of money if you know how to use them. When you want to use free private label rights eBooks you need to know a few things. There are some things that you can’t do with free private label rights eBooks that a lot of people do anyway.
Here are some things you have to know before you use free private label rights eBooks.
You can’t take a private label rights eBook that is free and turn around and sell it unless you have permission to. Sometimes with the free plr products there will be something stating that you are not allowed to sell the product. So you need to make sure that you read all of the information about what you get and what you can do with it when you get these free products to use for your business.
More times than not you will be allowed to take more than one free private label rights eBook and package them together with other eBooks so that you have your own product that you can sell. You want to make sure again that you have permission to do this because for some of the private label rights products this will not be allowed.
There are many things that you can do with free plr products that will help you build your business and make money. When you have private label rights eBooks you can use them as a bonus for people who sign up for your newsletter.
This is a very popular way of finding people who will become long term customers if you play your cards right. You can set up an opt in page with the eBook as a free download just for signing up.
There are many people that are using free private label rights eBooks for their business. Do some research to find out how other people are using the private label rights eBooks that they have. You will be able to find all kinds of ways that these products are being utilized for business.
One thing is for sure, you don’t want to not use the free private label rights eBooks for your business because it can be a very powerful business tool. So educate yourself on how to use the private label rights eBooks and then start using them to help you make money with your business.
Summary: Are free private label rights eBooks really worth what people say they are? They are more than worth it for a lot of reasons. Find out what some of these reasons are and then you will want to start using private label right eBooks for your business.
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Niche Empires - Free Private Label Rights - What Can You Do With Free Private Label Rights?
When you have free private label rights products there are many ways that it can benefit your business and help you make money. Many people use free private label rights in many different ways. You want to make sure that the private label rights that you are going to use for your business are worth it. You don’t want to give away something or sell something if it is junk. Doing this will hurt your business reputation. So the first thing you need to do is to make sure it is well worth giving away.
Now here are some things that you can do with free private label rights to help your business.
First of all you can break it down into individual reports and put it into an auto responder so that you will have your own mailing list that you can start collecting names and email addresses for. This will always be one of the most important tools you can have for your business. So you definitely want to think about doing this because it will help your business for a long time into the future.
Next you can also take the private label rights and change them anyway that you want to. You can put your name on them and be the seller and owner to a powerful business building tool. You can give this away on an opt in page to help you get subscribers for your mailing list.
Another thing you can give away the free private label rights to other people. This will help you build business contacts and find customers that you can sell other products to.
Finally you can even take more than one free private label rights products and put them together into an eBook. This will give you your own eBook product that you can give away or sell.
There are so many ways that you can use private label rights products to help you with your business. You just need to use your mind to come up with all the different ways that you can help your business grow and make money with the use of free private label rights products. You can also do some research to figure this out. The one known fact is that if you are not using plr products in your business than you are missing out on a very powerful business tool that can help you make good money.
Summary: There are so many things that you can do with free private label rights that will help you build your business and make money. The private label rights products can be a powerful business tool for you. Find out how you can use these types of products.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
Niche Empires - Private Label Rights - How Do You Make Money With Private Label Rights?
There are private label rights products that you can find all over the internet on any subject. You may need to search to find the ones that you are looking for. However, private label rights are the best kind of product that you can get for your money. When you get plr products you will get the entire resale rights, and even the master resale rights. There are many benefits to owning plr products.
Here are some of the benefits for any private label rights products that you have purchased.
One: You can change the content and rewrite it if you want to. This will mean that you will have your own product that is not like anyone else’s.
Two: You can add your name to the plr product which will mean that you are the sole owner, creator and seller.
Three: You will be an instant product owner who has the power to control the product and what is done with it. This would take you months to be able to make your own product whereas with plr products it will only take you a very small amount of time to change it so that it is unique and it is yours.
When you spend your money on private label rights you need to make sure that you get the product as is, plus you should be given the master document that will allow you to change or edit the content as you want to. You need to make sure that your plr product comes with all the websites, graphics, ad copy, source codes and everything that was stated that you would receive when you bought the package.
It can be kind expensive for you to purchase these types of products. The price usually goes from $97.00 to $1,000.00 or more. The price will depend on what all is included in the package.
Here are some ways that you can make money with private label rights:
One: You can break it down into individual reports and then sell them or you could put them on a CD so that you can sell your own physical product.
Two: You can also sell the plr to the edited content that you made. This will mean that you have a brand new product that you can offer many different types of resale rights to.
You can make good money from buying the plr product for one particular product. You will have to change it so that it is unique and then find ways that you can make it better than the original by expanding on it. Private label rights can be used for a lot of different things that will benefit you and make it easier to make money.
Summary: There are many ways that you can make money with private label rights. The plr products will also allow you to have your own product that you have total control over. Find out how these types of products can help you make money.
Tony Markx invites you to visit this private label rights website for an unbelievable collection of free private label rights and master resell rights products. Claim your free lifetime membership and receive $197 in plr products here right now: --->
Niche Empires - How Do Name Squeeze Pages Generate Profit?
There are many ways on how to earn money from the Internet. Many people have claimed of having gained certain millions from using the Internet as a marketing tool. Emails, ezines, affiliate programs, these are just a few of the most popular ways of earning through the Internet.
Marketing itself has made a dramatic shift towards the use of the virtual world of the Internet to be able to reach a certain market to promote a certain product or service. Most Internet marketers are familiar with what are called squeeze pages. However, many of them fail to use them effectively to be able to translate the marketing effort into hard sales and eventually to realized profits.
For those people who have no idea what squeeze pages are, they are simply websites which asks people to act upon a certain opt-in towards another action. When people come across these web pages, they will be asked if they would want to continue with a certain business endeavor or not. Some name squeeze pages only have two options for the readers, one is - opt-in and the other one is leave.
Other squeeze pages, people are actually provided with options on how to continue to explore the business opportunity, although these types of squeeze pages are argued by some as not belonging to the category of squeeze pages.
Why bother putting up a website just to ask people whether they would like to continue with the transaction or not? The underlying principle behind squeeze pages is that marketers who promote their products or services through the Internet know that people will not avail themselves of their products and services during their first encounter with them. Squeeze pages are actually intended to be able to gather the email addresses of people who are interested in a certain product or service and to get their consent as well. With these components at the disposal of the marketer, he can then proceed with providing these people who are interested with sales proposals and other marketing materials then and into the future.
An effective squeeze page squeezes a lot of valuable information in a single web page while getting the attention of the reader. It usually contains a lot of enticing bullet points about the next steps after one clicks on the proceed button. Curiosity will kill the cat and will get people to click on the proceed button as well.
Email Usage
The most efficient and effective squeeze pages employ emails to be able to garner traffic. These emails contain interesting facts which are hard to resist. These emails are propagated by the agents of the product or service. The basic concept is that the email will lay down the foundations for selling the product, just like a pre-sale effort.
Many squeeze pages experience what one might call as leakage because visitors know hot to get around the squeeze page without clicking the proceed button. To prevent this from happening, one should have the knowledge on how to encrypt the folllow-on page's URL. Another way of preventing this leakage is to use email as a tool to do what is promised on the name squeeze page. This is to ensure that people would provide their email addresses to be able to avail themselves of what is behind that mysterious door that is the squeeze page.
A good squeeze page should be seen as a personalized website which is specifically targeting the person who is accessing it. There are softwares out there that are available in the market which will help a marketer to be able to generate a squeeze page which will look personalized. Some squeeze pages actually contain information about a person's life such as what kind of pet or television he owns, and other such things.
Name squeeze pages are also known as lead capture pages. They are generally popular in multi-level marketing and has been proven by many people to generate down lines and eventually profits. They are particularly effective because they generate a list of interested people who become prospects and clients. Effective squeeze pages provide information that is valuable to those who will be reading it. They are also relatively easy to build and once that is done, one just needs some traffic techniques to get people to visit the site.
Some may be doubtful of the capabilities of name squeeze pages in terms of marketing a business and generating profit. However, the basic foundations of these pages make sense and the effectiveness of these pages are proven by millions of Internet marketers.
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Niche Empires - What Are Namesqueeze Pages and How Can Internet Marketers Benefit From Them
It has been a well-accepted fact that in sales, leads are very important simply because without leads, there will be no sales. But then, acquiring leads these days can be very tedious, especially when it comes to online business.
However, some strategies are built specifically to address the issue. One of the best techniques ever known to help Internet marketers build quality leads is the lead capture page or the namesqueeze pages.
Since the inception of Internet marketing, more and more people have come to realize the importance of leads and making lists. That is why the creation of opt-in lists has been a major breakthrough in the world of virtual marketing.
In the Internet, it is simply illegal for a marketer to send emails that are not solicited, whether they are for commercial or even personal purposes. Spamming, or sending out unsolicited emails are now considered as illegal.
Hence, most Internet marketers consider opt-in lists as highly valuable marketing devices. With opt-in lists, you can send emails to people who have opted to subscribe into your businesses promotions and advertisements through emails. It is for this reason that opt-in lists are deemed as gold to most Internet marketers.
In order to get a good opt-in list, some info-tech genius has created a device that will easily generate names and emails. This is known as the lead capture page or the namesqueeze pages. It refers to a particular page in one’s website that is built to acquire email addresses as well as names of the visitors on purpose.
The main purpose of a namesqueeze page is to compel people to join the list or opt-in to subscribe for the lists before getting an access into the main website.
The problem is that most Internet marketers are so desperate in boosting their sales that they often misunderstand the purpose of namesqueeze pages. Most of these people have the propensity to create some well-written scripts that would require the website visitor to answer some questions.
Unfortunately, the visitors are not aware that they are already being lured to provide some information that would coerce them into joining a website’s mailing list even if it is against their will.
This is completely unfair and against the principles of Internet marketing. Besides, the emails that the consumers will receive will be regarded as spam because they are not aware of such emails, and that is extremely illegal.
Hence, it is important to create quality namesqueeze pages that would generate quality leads as well. This means that these leads are not compelled or obliged to do anything that is against their will.
Consequently, a quality namesqueeze page or lead capture page can generate leads that are interested to find more information about the business, topic or niche you are providing.
However, one should keep in mind that it is important to send emails that are packed with good and feasible and relevant information. After all, that is what the consumers are after, that is why they have provided you with the information that you need, right?
When done right, namesqueeze pages can absolutely guarantee your online business growth. Why? It is simply because consumers who opted to get into your lists are interested in whatever concept, topic or niche you want to tell them specific helpful information about. Hence, creating massive opt-in lists would be very possible if you know how to use namesqueeze pages correctly.
What matters most here is that if you know how important lead generation and list building is to your online business, then, using namesqueeze pages could be the most workable device you could ever have.
Here is a list of some of the benefits that Internet marketers can derive from merely using namesqueeze pages or lead capture pages:
1. Massive list building
One of the best reasons why namesqueeze pages work is that they compel people to make some actions. The problem with the other websites that are not generating enough sales is that they do not motivate or oblige their visitors to make some appropriate actions.
The problem with those sites is that even if they have created a good sales letter, but it was not able to coerce people to subscribe to the site’s mailing lists, it will not work as it was expected.
With namesqueeze pages, people are moved into actions. This can be done by offering freebies that can only be acquired if the visitors will opt to be included on your list.
2. Get an overall insight on the visitors’ interests
Using namesqueeze pages will allow you to have an insight on the customer’s individual interests. This is because customers, who have opted to subscribe to such namesqueeze pages, are most likely interested in particular information that you are offering.
Hence, you can change your topics from time to time and identify what information is highly saleable to the public. This will give you more ways to generate better leads by providing in-demand information and an on-going supply of product ideas for you to be able to sell them.
The bottom line is that generating good traffic is useless if you will not be able to convert your visitors into potential customers; and the only way to do that is to include them on your list. That is why everything counts in list-building, namesqueeze pages are integral and really matter. Use them NOW.
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Everyone who's involved in marketing or advertising must master the art of reaching their target consumers in a fast, effective, easy and just as importantly, the cheapest way.
There are lots of ways and means on how to touch prospective clients and the television is proven to be the most effective yet expensive way. Nevertheless, with the fast boom of technology, the Internet is now also considered as one of the easiest and comfortable avenues to disseminate product awareness.
The word "free", perhaps, is the most compelling word in a marketer's vocabulary and this is basically what Viral Marketing is all about. From the term itself, which is coined from the word "Virus", viral marketing is a marketing technique which is similar to the spread of an epidemic that can reach others through word of mouth to increase brand consciousness.
Viral Marketing has been popular because it's been proven to be more efficient than the others. It makes advertising easier, and it can obtain a high and rapid response rate at a relative low-cost. Remember, if one person likes a particular service, that person will most certainly tell his friend, then his friend will pass it to her friend, therefore, word of mouth marketing starts.
However, one main weakness of this technique is that messages, which are usually sent through e-mails may look like spam mails, thus creating a bad impression on the brand and without knowing it, the said promotional messages will just be sent to the e-mail's trash bin, never to be seen and there for wasted.
One typical example of viral marketing is, wherein the tactic goes like this. They give away free e-mail service, then every message they send has a simple tag at the bottom which says "Get your private, free email at". On the other hand, those who receives the e-mail will be able to see the note below the message and it will encourage them to get their own e-mail address with hotmail since it is just for free then the list goes on, the propelling of the message to reach a number of recipients hence increasing social networks.
There are several types of viral messages and methods of transmission. One type is the pass-along message which encourages users to pass the message to others. One example of this is chain letters which prompts readers at the end of the message to forward the e-mail to a number of users believing that they'll get good luck if forwarded and bad luck if done otherwise.
Another form would be the infamous anonymous matching on which requires a user to create a list of friends or acquaintances they secretly have a crush on. A match only happens if the object of their affection responds by logging in and does the same. Most of these services allow users to email anonymous messages notifying them that a concealed person fancies them. Hopeful romantics become hooked up on this marketing as they aim to find out if their crush also feels the same for them.
Also, the process of dissemination can occur in various ways. It may be through the world wide web where it converts web-based information into an e-mail. One classic example is the article from wherein there's a link that encourages someone to send a particular article to a friend.
Another sample would be the word of email, which is considered to be the most common type. It's just the simple forwarding and exchanging of e-mails such as jokes and the like. But perhaps, the fastest mode of transmission would be through instant messaging such as Yahoo messenger, ICQ, Google and MSN since this is the most popular among young people and a link referred by a friend is more likely safe than by some unknown sender through e-mails.
Sometimes marketing companies even offer rewards or special offers for referring customers, encouraging the use of the aforementioned methods. Freebies and discounts can be music to the ear of everyone especially if acquiring them is just as easy as counting from one to three. This is probably one of the main reasons why marketers prefer this technique among others.
For a viral marketing technique to be successful, an effortless transfer of the marketing message to others is important and this works famously on the internet because on the spot transmission is a lot less demanding and less costly.
Also, from a marketing point of view, it is essential that the message to be transferred is simple to avoid degradation. In short, the principle of KISS must be followed. Keep it short and simple so that the marketing message would not trigger the recipient to aim their mouse pointer to the "report as spam" button.
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The Internet has modernized man’s way of living. It has also affected how we do certain things including business tasks. Marketing has gone a long way and it is not being revolutionized by the Internet.
Internet viral marketing is a cost effective way to be able to reach a targeted audience and efficiently convey one’s marketing message. Viral marketing outside the context of the Internet is usually connected with spreading a message through word-of-mouth. In
the context of the Internet, the concept is the same, but the ways of doing it is diversified.
Internet viral marketing is similar to a virus. Viruses are notorious for being easily spread. This is the concept behind Internet viral marketing. Viruses, if not contained, can strike an epidemic. Internet viral marketing behaves like viruses, it aims at spreading a marketing message to people through other people.
The mere dynamism of the Internet makes it possible for viral marketing to do its job quite effectively. In the world of the Internet, viral marketing can be done in many ways. The whole structure of the Internet has been a tool which has been used by many to be able to make a statement or advertise a product.
We say that using Internet viral marketing, or viral marketing in general is one of the best, if not the best way of marketing a certain product or service. This article tries to lay down the reasons for the claim above.
Here are some reasons why viral marketing is the best way to market:
-It’s free!
This is probably the number 1 reason why viral marketing is the best way to go. There are many ways to market a product or a service. One can utilize some of the old-school techniques such as the use of print media (banners, posters, flyers) or audio-visual tools. There is not much argument about the effectiveness of these methods, given the assumption that they are done with careful preparation and planning. However, these things cost money, a lot of money.
An actual example of the cost of these other marketing techniques can be seen in the pharmaceutical industry. Studies say that more than half of the cost that people are incurring for buying branded medicines is used to cover the expenses of marketing the products. This is a reality that reflects how marketing costs can take their toll on the product itself.
Viral marketing is a free way of spreading a marketing message. One can argue that it is not totally free (as claimed). However, the only costs for Internet viral marketing are the costs associated with Internet connection and some minor tools for getting on track. One can also do an economic valuation of the time spent for viral marketing, but every other marketing technique consumes time.
-Availability of techniques
There are many ways of doing viral marketing, especially through the Internet. Literally, there are hundred different ways of spreading a marketing message through the web. The most popular way is to use affiliate programs.
Affiliate programs give incentives for webmasters to put up one’s banner. The webmasters earn some profit whenever the banner is clicked by the visitors or a sale is made from your link. One can also look into the option of giving away free stuff to other people to get their attention and be agents of the viral marketing endeavor.
One can give away free web space, free articles, free newsletters, free software, free graphics, free screensavers, etc. This is the concept which was employed by the developers of hotmail. If one can remember, hotmail became a craze when it was launched. People who signed up for the free email literally became marketing agents for hotmail. They carried the marketing message which was simply embedded into their email addresses.
-Impact of viral marketing
Viral marketing, if done properly, will not only convey a marketing message, it will let the message stick to people’s minds. Creativeness comes into play when using viral marketing as a strategy. Everything starts with a bright idea and this idea is then put into operation with careful planning and execution.
Viral marketing is the way to go in these modern times of marketing. It is a very cost effective and efficient way of conveying a marketing message towards a target audience, and fast.
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Viral marketing can be defined as any technique or a set of techniques that encourages a person/s to pass on marketing messages to others, which will produce an exponential increase in the awareness of people towards a particular brand, enhancing the visibility and effect of the marketing message. It involves dispensing free products or services along with the advertisement, and in return, the recipients will pass the product along to other users.
This strategy is very attractive to businesses with a limited budget for marketing and advertising. It can deliver very desirable results with minimal cost in a short period of time. Of course, viral marketing also has its downside. There are times that messages related to viral marketing can resemble e-mail spam and this can create damage to the brand.
Some viral marketing strategies are more functional than the others. To help advertisers decide as to which ones are to be considered, here the elements of an effective marketing strategy:
1. Products and services are given away free of charge
2. Makes use of existing communication networks to the maximum
3. Takes advantage of common human behaviors and motivations
4. Has a medium that enables users to transfer the message to other people easily and quickly
5. Can switch from small scale to a large one
6. Utilizes the resources of others to carry their message out
Having these elements in mind, advertisers should carefully select the viral marketing technique that will work well for their business. Here are some popular examples:
1. Articles
Articles can be written by an advertiser about the business, making certain the site and the advertiser's contact information will be included, and placed within the byline, and the message at the end of the article. Permission will be granted to people who wish to print the articles, with the condition that the name of the site and contact information will remain intact on the page.
The advantage of this technique is that people who like the articles can email them to their contacts, or they can publish it on their own newsletters or web sites. The exposure is a sure thing since other people will get to read the article, and recognize the marketing message along with the creator.
2. E-books
E-books can be shared to others for free, enclosed with an attractive ad that showcases the most in-demand product line of the business, of course, includes the links to the advertiser's web site and the email address. Recipients should be allowed to share the e-book to others.
3. Software
Free software can be shared with others, be it a trial or a light version. Then include the ad complete with links to the site and contact information.
4. Discussion boards
A discussion board can be created on an advertiser's web site featuring banner advertisements.
5. Web hosting
An advertiser can offer free hosting services to small businesses in exchange for placement of banners that promotes the site of the advertiser.
6. Awards
Awards can be created and given out to other web sites for any reason. For instance, the advertiser can create a good-looking button that the award recipient can attach to their web sites, and when others click on the button, it leads directly to the site of the advertiser.
7. Affiliate programs
Affiliate programs create financial incentive for sites for linking with others. This can be created to encourage the placement of links that provides information to products and services.
8. Referral program
A special referral program can be made for frequent visitors for bringing in new ones to the site. The person who refers a visitor/s can sign-up for the program and gets a commission from the advertiser.
9. Newsletters
An advertiser can encourage users to forward a newsletter to friends. It is recommended to create a newsletter that is funny and attention-grabbing, and the links to the advertiser's site will be included in it.
10. E-cards
Users can be permitted to post e-cards in the advertiser's web site.
By choosing and utilizing the correct type of viral marketing strategy for their business, advertisers can expect to gain rapidly from their marketing efforts in a short period of time.
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The internet boom has made mass communication achievable with just a click of a mouse. Together with this development, the internet has become a vast market that people are taking advantage of. One of the best strategies to get those customers to buy your product is through Viral Marketing. Most advertisers believe that this type of strategy is the most effective way of hauling in customers. In a nut-shell, Viral Marketing really imitates a virus. It moves on its own, multiples sporadically, and only needs little effort for its dissemination.
A classic example of this strategy is the Hotmail e-mail service. Hotmail offered a free e-mail account, and then on every message sent, a short message below every e-mail has a commanding line asking the receiver to sign up to Hotmail.
It has grown like bushfire in the internet, and today Hotmail has become one of the leading providers of free e-mail service. They are also getting advertisements by the bucket. However, viral marketing nowadays is and continues to get more complicated, and it takes some smart strategies and a lot of creativity to make one. Here are some simple techniques that you can use to stay ahead of the game.
Create a 'fun page' on your website
If you are a serious marketer, and you don't have enough funding for a major advertisement, this is one of the best techniques that you can use. Make a little sub-page on your site with funny or interesting videos or images, or even create a mini-game that is focused on your product.
Be sure to include a 'tell a friend' link to ensure that your 'fun page' gets disseminated. Creativity is the key. If your 'fun' page is cool enough, you can be sure that this page will attract and sell like pancakes, and you'll get more hits for your website.
Think Weird
Creating a 'weird gossip' page or mini-site is another strategy in viral marketing. A sample of this is the subservient chicken website that Burger King created. The page contained a 'video camera' with a command line below it. On the site, just type what you want the subservient chicken to do, and voila, the chicken will do it.
People were born curious. If you have some idea in your head, do it. The subservient chicken became so popular that people forwarded the links to their friends, and all Burger King had to do was to maintain the site. Although the downside on this strategy is that you might create 'bad' publicity. But as the old saying goes, " bad publicity is still publicity ".
Spam it!
An E-mail can also be used in this type of technique. Create a message with funny pictures or a video, and then send it to your friends. If it is funny enough, you can be sure that this little message will reach a lot of people. Remember that the images or video should contain at least a brand logo or a website address.
The best thing that you can do here is to include your 'name' on the video itself, like for example a guy wearing a t-shirt with your brand name on it, or a bunch of funny pictures dealing with your products. Most forwarded e-mails are viral marketing strategies. In this technique, you can always be sure that your e-mails are going to be opened, because they came from the friends of the e-mail owner.
Give Some
Free is always good. Most people search the internet with 'free' as one of their keywords. Free stuff can boost your website's popularity. There are a lot of cheap items out there that you can and then give out for free. Creating a downloadable Flash game is one example of many used today. But of course, you should make it interesting, and make the people think that without this free stuff on their desktop, they're missing out a lot.
If you're serious about your business, be sure to apply these techniques in your ad campaign. This may not answer all of your promotional needs, but this will surely help you a lot in creating a buzz. It's cheap, it's easy and it's effective. Remember, think like a virus!
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The Internet is a vibrant community, and everyday, businessmen, entrepreneurs, and innovators are finding ways and means in order to maximize its potential. Others opt to create their own tools; others innovate on previous methods.
The same is true for marketing strategies of many companies (both start-up and established) online, some employ tried and tested methods, like multi-level marketing; others create their own methods, at times from the simplest of inspirations. Viral marketing however, is a newer phenomenon than multi-level marketing.
Viral marketing was said to have began after a California-based animator decided to send the graphic animation of the popular ‘dancing baby’ to a couple of friends. After a considerably short amount of time, the animated file was found appended in various emails being passed around online.
What is viral marketing anyway? Viral marketing in its very nature, aims to utilize existent social networks existent in the Internet. This is done by sending out product samplers (as in e-books, documents, graphics, etc.) and, in effect, having the people using the Internet to pass it around to people they know that would deem it to be interesting or useful content to them.
This means that viral techniques are very much reliant on a word-of-mouth mechanism. By giving away for free a sampler of a product or service, primary recipients can forward and refer the company to the people they know; what this necessarily does is that it allows any party to conduct marketing to a huge amount of people with less effort, and provides the benefit of being personally referred by one person to his or her friend, magnifying whatever credibility that the company wishes to build.
But what other viral techniques can be considered when deciding to employ viral marketing? There are a huge number of variations of the technique, but listed below are some of the more effective methods:
1. Create an award. Many start-up websites, even as small as just interest-based websites, create awards for artists, songwriters, or web masters about the quality of the work they do on their website. The website drafts a picture or graphics to represent the particular award, then sends out emails to various entities informing them of their being evaluated for it. Recipients of the award may then be asked to post the award on his or her website, including a link to the company’s website.
Creating this sort of award creates a semblance of expertise on the part of the company, making even the more skeptical potential customers find a level of acceptance for the product or service. Moreover, the website of the award recipient will end up being another one of the many portals and access points through which the company’s website can be accessed from. More importantly, the company will inevitably receive the positive perception it wants to solicit from a word-of-mouth method when it distinguishes truly remarkable and award-worthy entries; this way, the company will inevitably be associated to the idea of excellence and quality.
2. Providing an email account is one of the most logically appealing choices when it comes to viral techniques. By providing an email address, the company is in fact building a level of patronage from users, and creating the need for continuous access to the website.
What makes it suitable for viral marketing? Aside from simply marketing content, providing an email address is an almost automatic advertisement for the company. Every time each person writes his or her Internet address, it would be inevitable to necessarily advertise the company by the domain name appended to the email address (i.e.
3. Offering a free newsletter with bonuses is actually another effective viral technique. This not only gets the attention of people, but even makes people who would have otherwise been indifferent to the marketing strategy consider it because of the compensation in the form of the promise of the bonus which is free.
Aside from this attractive feature, newsletters achieve something that other techniques do not, to directly communicate to potential customers while forwarding useful information to them. Newsletters also afford the company the enjoyment of having people read more attractively written and information packed articles lightly and relevantly splashed with the pitch of their product or service.
4. Offering free e-cards is a service-based viral technique, wherein the website provides various designs and styles of e-cards that users can make use of when sending e-cards to their friends and loved ones. Within the service, users have the ability to modify and personalize the messages in the e-cards, send it to their intended recipients, and receive a copy of the e-card as well as to confirm its content.
What is unique about offering free e-cards is that it is a viable service that is popular among Internet users. One user can make use of the service, and when the e-card arrives to the recipient, he or she receives it with an option of sending the sender an e-card as well. In effect the recipient ends up using the service as well in order to return the regards sent by the sender; and also then he or she may recommend the service to others.
5. Using forums and discussion boards by advertising in a user’s signature when posting is a tool that has been used aggressively by many Internet users, particularly those simply plugging a personal venture. Basically, a picture or video or sound file that serves to advertise a product or service, alongside a link back to the company’s website is added to a single user’s signature.
This is effective because of the sheer longevity of the post in the discussion board or forum. Moreover, people of similar interests religiously visit these online avenues for discussion, assuring the regularity of traffic around this viral technique.
At the end of the day, a viral marketing technique is called such because of its characteristic spreading through the Internet population the way an epidemic or a wildfire does. By maximizing these low-cost strategies, one may end up minimizing costs and maximizing profits with increased traffic and positive perception.
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Niche Empires - Your Viral e-Book : Should It Be EXE or PDF?
The main purpose of creating a viral e-book is to pass it on to as many people as possible with only minimal effort on the author’s part. To be able to pass it on to others, it should be in the form that can easily be accessed and opened by other people.
After you have accomplished authoring your viral e-book, the next thing you have to do before it actually gets to the hands of other people is to compile it. There are two ways that you can do it, either to compile it as an exe file or as a pdf file.
EXE, which means executable, is the file extension for files created by e-book compilers. PDF, or portable document format, is the extension of files created with Adobe Acrobat. In the World Wide Web, PDF e-books are considered to be the industry standard.
Advantages of PDF over EXE files
1. If you choose to compile your viral e-book using Adobe Acrobat, you do not have to create a HTML web page for every page of your e-book. A simple MS Word document will do.
2. When you compile using Acrobat, the PDF file automatically numbers each of the pages. EXE compilers do not have that function.
3. PDF files are relatively easy to edit. New pages can be added; you can also delete or replace pages. Page numbers will automatically adjust itself once you modify the pages. EXE files are actually fixed once compiled and cannot be edited. You have to compile a new one to be able to change your e-book.
4. You can print PDF files a lot easier than EXE files.
5. PDF files have a bookmark tab on the left side of the page. Using this feature makes navigating around the file much easier than in an EXE file.
6. When PDF files are compressed, the file sizes are significantly smaller than EXE files because PDF converters compress better.
7. PDF files are not at all susceptible to viruses since they are just simple files, unlike EXE files which are like programs or applications. EXE files are more prone to carrying and transmitting virus and end up being corrupted.
8. Last but not the least, PDF files are universal. As long as the computer has an installed Acrobat Reader, PDF files can be opened and viewed, whether the computer is a PC or a Mac. EXE files are not read on a Mac computer.
Since your main goal is to expand your target market, considering this fact would not harm. According to the Nielsen Netratings, over 8% of the US online population use Mac. It may not be a huge number but can still be significant in the increase of your potential customers.
Advantages of EXE files over PDF files
On the other hand, EXE files also have their own set of advantages over PDF files.
1. e-Book compilers, the software that create the EXE files, are just a fraction of the cost of Adobe Acrobat. Though there are a number of PDF creators recently released that are also cheap, e-book compilers still have the advantage in terms of price.
2. The most important advantage of EXE files over PDF files is its ability to allow rebranding of the e-book. Some of the e-book compilers such as e-Book Generator, e-Book Edit, and e-Book Paper have built-in rebranding functions.
If a viral e-book is your tool for doing viral marketing, granting rebranding rights is the key to your success. Allowing rebranding of your e-book will guarantee increased promotion and distribution because people can modify the book with their affiliate codes to earn incentives.
If you want increased exposure by having more people able to view and read your e-book, then go with PDF files. Not only that it is readable with a PC or a Mac, it also has relatively small file size compared to EXE files.
But if your main concern is giving out free customization and rebranding rights to your e-book for wider distribution, then you must go with e-book compilers to produce an EXE file.
Given the different advantages of one type over the other, it is really up to you, the author, to choose which one you think will work best for you. Both types have their own good sets of advantages. It is just a matter of determining your priorities for your e-book and basing your decision from those priorities.
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